Workplace gender equality, page-34

  1. 12,379 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 764
    Sailor that's a whole big can of worms.

    Just remember back in the 1950s one average wage could easily pay for a home on standard loan rates and size.

    With the advent of feminists and DINKS leading the edge of buyers home prices are more than doubled and one wage - even one above average wage simply cannot earn enough to pay for a home.

    And we have growing tent cities.

    Careful what you wish for as you just may get it! Nothing shows this more than the same woman that protested on the streets to allow immigration of the refugees are now protesting that they get sent back - after a huge rise in crime and pack rapes by those refugees. Short term 'feelings' based demands without regard to long term consequences is the ongoing problem here.

    The low birth rate is personified by Jennifer Anniston - not even Brad Pitt could convince her to have kids as she always wanted just a few more years of her career. Me ME ME rather than we we we and kids. Then when she finally tried too late - no kids for her. She still looks great, but her biology long gone in respect of having a child. Delusions once again.

    Meanwhile the consequent low western birth rate you mention is not suffered by the Muslim immigrants that have no truck with feminism and breed like rabbits. Long term consequences of these vastly different birth rates is inevitably Sharia Law voted in by democratic vote. Just a matter of time mathematically speaking.

    Good luck walking down the street in a bikini then - or having a job of your choice ladies. Gotta watch those long-term consequences.

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