Basically what they are saying is that PV is not that efficient...

  1. 15,389 Posts.

    Basically what they are saying is that PV is not that efficient but we will squander billions trying to capture the excess heat. Note: Something to think about then. URBAN HEAT being generated by the existing PV ARRAYS

    Then they intend to use energy that is not being used from the PV to CHILL water to near freezing and also heat water to 90"C.
    Are you people actually buying this sheet as being an efficient system. fmd. You guys are clowns.

    So I have read the first link provided in the OP where it states left over energy not produced as electricity is heat that is used to drive another turbine that generates electricity.

    "Developed by Melbourne’s RayGen Resources, the Raygen solar thermal plant concentrates sunlight to produce electricity while also capturing heat created by the process to provide thermal energy storage."

    Then further down after the wankfest it goes on to say the following.

    Raygen solar thermal plant – how it works?

    The system works by focusing sunlight onto a PV receiver mounted on a central tower to produce electricity. The process creates heat as a by-product, which RayGen captures to heat water to 90 degrees celsius which they store in an insulated pit. WOW that is one freaking amazing PIT..

    A second pit stores water chilled to near freezing with excess electricity from the solar PV receivers. The temperature differential allows electricity to be generated using an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbine, which transforms thermal energy into electricity.

    The two pits collectively have the capacity of approximately nine olympic sized swimming pools and operate in a closed loop, reusing the same water continually..

    This is all a wankfest.

    Will be 10 x more efficient to have Solar HWS. i.e that is DIRECT heating from the sun. Much more efficient. But the cooling requires direct inefficient solar PV to provide the energy to drive a turbine.

    your Rankine system could not be any more inefficient.
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