World Islamic Deadly Terrorist Attacks !

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    List of Islamic related terrorist attacks over the last 30 Day's

    YES you read correct  just 30 Day's

    Date Country City Killed Injured Description
    1 2016.07.18 Kazakhstan Almaty 4   An extremist shouting praises to Allah murders a civilian and three policemen.
    2 2016.07.18 Yemen Mukalla 10 18 Ten people are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
    3 2016.07.18 Syria Aleppo 3 15 Sunnis send rockets into a residential neighborhood, taking out a child and two women.
    4 2016.07.16 Pakistan Multan 1   A model is strangled to death by her brother after offending religious conservatives.
    5 2016.07.16 Iraq Tal Abta 5   Five civilians are burned alive in cages by Islamic State members.
    6 2016.07.15 India Kulgam 1 7 A terrorist lobs a grenade into a group of policemen, killing one.
    7 2016.07.14 France Nice 84 202 A Muslim migrant mows down eighty-four Bastille Day revellers (including ten children) with a truck while shouting praises to Allah.
    8 2016.07.14 Philippines Manilop 3   Three off-duty soldiers are ambushed and killed by Abu Sayyaf while buying food.
    9 2016.07.13 Iraq Rashidiya 7 11 Seven Iraqis are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
    10 2016.07.12 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 10 Three shoppers are sectionalized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast at an outdoor market.
    11 2016.07.12 Nigeria Akombo 5   A school principal is among five villagers murdered by Fulani terrorists.
    12 2016.07.12 Nigeria Kangarwa 2 7 A Boko Haram attack leaves two others dead.
    13 2016.07.12 Philippines Tipo-Tipo 1 5 One person is taken out by an Abu Sayyaf IED.
    14 2016.07.12 Iraq Baghdad 12 37 A dozen people at a vegetable and fruit market are reduced to pulp by a Shahid suicide bomber.
    15 2016.07.12 Pakistan Faisalabad 1   A Christian family man is murdered in a targeted attack by Muslim kidnappers.
    16 2016.07.11 Pakistan Parachinar 1   A young tribal leader is tortured and murdered by suspected militants.
    17 2016.07.11 Iraq Qayara 9   Women and the elderly are among nine members of two families dragged from their homes and executed by ISIS.
    18 2016.07.11 India Keran 1 2 A border guard is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
    19 2016.07.11 Nigeria Paikoro 11   Eleven people in two villages are hacked to death by Fulani terrorists.
    20 2016.07.11 Pakistan Orangi 1 1 A woman is shot dead by her conservative brother-in-law for 'bringing dishonor' to the family.
    21 2016.07.11 Somalia Lanto Buro 11 6 At least eleven others are killed by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
    22 2016.07.11 Somalia Mogadishu 1 6 An al-Shabaab bomb blast claims one life.
    23 2016.07.11 Iraq Nineveh 4   Four doctors are beheaded by the Islamic State.
    24 2016.07.10 Nigeria Benue 81   The death toll from two weeks of rolling Fulani attacks on peaceful farming communities rises to over 80.
    25 2016.07.10 Syria Aleppo 5 61 al-Nusra members sends a barrage of explosives into a residential neighborhood, laying out five civilians.
    26 2016.07.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 6 Three children are ripped apart by Taliban shrapnel.
    27 2016.07.10 Iraq Fallujah 46   Forty-six Sunnis are burned alive by Hashd al-Shaabi, a Shiite milita.
    28 2016.07.10 India Kashmir 3 96 At least three security personnel are killed by a Muslim mob, angered over the death of a terrorist.
    29 2016.07.10 Syria Raqqa 5   Five civilians are beheaded in front of their families by the Islamic State.
    30 2016.07.09 Libya Sirte 7 3 A secret ISIS prison is unearthed with seven bodies and three surviving torture victims.
    31 2016.07.09 Bangladesh Kajura   1 A Catholic nurse is set on fire by suspected Religion of Peace operatives.
    32 2016.07.09 Mali Koro 2   Two guards at a checkpoint are machine-gunned point-blank by suspected Jihadis.
    33 2016.07.09 Pakistan Islamabad 1 1 The wife of a Shiite cleric is gunned down in a targeted attack.
    34 2016.07.09 Iraq Riyadh 3   Three Kurdish brothers are executed by the Islamic State.
    35 2016.07.09 Iraq Kirkuk 2 2 ISIS is suspected of a home invasion in which a moderate cleric and his family member are killed.
    36 2016.07.09 Nigeria Abuja 1   A female pastor is hacked to death by Muslim radicals who left her severed head on a Bible.
    37 2016.07.09 Nigeria Rann 7   Boko Haram invade a village, stealing food and gunning down seven residents.
    38 2016.07.08 Syria Tel Abyad 10 11 Women and children are among ten taken out by an ISIS suicide bombing at a popular market.
    39 2016.07.08 Syria Aleppo 34 200 al-Nusra members send shells into a populated area, killing thirty-four civilians.
    40 2016.07.08 Nigeria Damboa 9 12 A suicide bomber strikes a rival mosque, killing at least nine.
    41 2016.07.07 Libya Benghazi 12 35 A dozen souls are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
    42 2016.07.07 Iraq Balad 56 70 Fifty-six pilgrims are blown up by a Sunni suicide bomb attack on a Shiite shrine.
    43 2016.07.07 Bangladesh Sholakia 4 12 A police officer is hacked to death and a woman is among four total killed by an Islamist attack during Eid prayers
    44 2016.07.06 Iraq Mosul 6   Six people are beheaded by a Sharia court.
    45 2016.07.06 Yemen Aden 25 8 al-Qaeda suicide bombers take out over two dozen local soldiers.
    46 2016.07.06 Afghanistan Sancharak 4 1 Four family members are wiped out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
    47 2016.07.06 Syria Aleppo 3 3 Three civilians are flattened by a Sunni mortar barrage.
    48 2016.07.06 Syria al-Zahraa 2 6 Two children are turned to paste by a Sunni rocket.
    49 2016.07.06 India Vijaywada 1   A teen is honor-killed by her conservative Muslim mother for having an affair with a Hindu boy.
    50 2016.07.05 DRC Tenambo 9   Nine Christian villagers are murdered by ADF Islamists.
    51 2016.07.05 Thailand Songkhla 1 2 Muslim 'insurgents' place a bomb that kills one other person.
    52 2016.07.05 Iraq Saidiya 3 12 Jihadis send mortars into a displaced persons camp, killing three.
    53 2016.07.05 Syria Raqqa 4   Four popular soccer players are forced to kneel and then shot in the head by caliphate members in front of children.
    54 2016.07.05 Thailand Pattani 1 3 A bomb planted by Muslim militants in front of a police station leaves one dead.
    55 2016.07.05 Thailand Bannang Sata 1   Militant Muslims launch a grenade from an M79 in front of a mosque, killing a passerby.
    56 2016.07.05 Indonesia Surakarta   1 A suicide bomber detonates in front of a police station.
    57 2016.07.05 Syria Um al-Housh 40   Women and children are among forty civilians captured and 'mercilessly' executed by the Islamic State.
    58 2016.07.05 Somalia Galcad 2   Two staffers at a telecommunication company are beheaded by al-Shabaab.
    59 2016.07.05 Syria Hassakeh 30 40 A suicide bomber massacres thirty innocents outside a Shiite bakery.
    60 2016.07.04 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 A bomb near a popular market leaves two dead.
    61 2016.07.04 Iraq Tal Kaif 3   Three Kurds are executed by the Islamic State.
    62 2016.07.04 Iraq Sharqat 7   The Islamic State boils seven members alive.
    63 2016.07.04 Saudi Arabia Medina 4 5 Four guards are killed by a suicide bomber outside Islam's second holiest mosque.
    64 2016.07.04 Saudi Arabia Jeddah   2 A suicide bomber detonates near the US embassy.
    65 2016.07.03 Iraq Arabi 2   A father and son are executed by the Islamic State after three months in captivity.
    66 2016.07.03 Thailand Yala 2   Two civilians are neatly taken out by Muslim bombers.
    67 2016.07.03 Iraq Kirkuk 7   Seven civilians are executed by caliphate members.
    68 2016.07.03 Thailand Pattani 1 2 One person is killed by a bomb left outside a mosque.
    69 2016.07.03 Syria Raqqa 1   A man is beheaded for 'mocking Islam'.
    70 2016.07.03 Libya Benghazi 2   A car bombing leaves two dead.
    71 2016.07.03 Libya Banghazi 2 7 An ISIS car bomb explodes in a busy district, killing two traffic cops.
    72 2016.07.03 Iraq Shaab 5 16 Jihadis set off a bomb in a commercial district that claims five lives.
    73 2016.07.03 Iraq Karrada 308 246 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates in a shopping mall packed with Shiites, slaughtering over three hundred, including many children.
    74 2016.07.02 Somalia Baidoa 2 19 Two girls, ages 4 and 5, are disintegrated by an al-Shabaab mortar round.
    75 2016.07.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 17 A Shahid suicide bomber on a motorbike kills two bystanders.
    76 2016.07.02 Afghanistan Khorasan 3   Video shows three 'apostates' executed to religious music by child soldiers.
    77 2016.07.02 Bangladesh Satkhira   1 A Hindu priest is stabbed at a bakery by Muslim extremists.
    78 2016.07.02 Syria Elkheir 1   A man is brutally beheaded for 'pledging to infidels'.
    79 2016.07.02 Afghanistan Khakrez 4   Four people are taken out by a Taliban bomb blast.
    80 2016.07.01 Afghanistan Shahwali Kot 7   Three woman are among a family of seven murdered in their home by Sunni militants.
    81 2016.07.01 Iraq Tuz Khormato 2 4 A suicide attack at a Shiite mosque leaves two dead.
    82 2016.07.01 Bangladesh Dhaka 22 26 Seven terrorists take hostages at a restaurant and summarily execute all who cannot quote from the Quran.
    83 2016.07.01 Syria Damascus 1   A pilot is murdered by Jaish-al-Islam.
    84 2016.07.01 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1   A Hindu temple worker is hacked to death.
    85 2016.07.01 Kenya Wak 6 2 Children are among six people on a bus brutally machine-gunned by religious radicals.
    86 2016.07.01 Iraq Baghdad 5 30 Five people lose their lives to a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
    87 2016.07.01 Pakistan Haripur 1   A man is shot dead by a conservative family for marrying their dauther without permission.
    88 2016.07.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 5   Five local cops are gunned down by the Taliban.
    89 2016.07.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1   A moderate cleric is shot to death by more-radical co-religionists.
    90 2016.07.01 Israel Hebron 1 3 Palestinians fire on a family's vehicle, killing the father and injuring his wife and two children.
    91 2016.06.30 Iraq Baghdad 6 19 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out six bystanders at a popular market.
    92 2016.06.30 Iraq Fallujah 4 5 An Islamic State supporter sprays a group of policemen with automatic weapons fire, killing four.
    93 2016.06.30 Pakistan Peshawar 3 6 Three security personnel are taken out in separate attacks by armed fundamentalists.
    94 2016.06.30 Egypt Farafra 6 3 Islamic extremists open fire on two police vehicles, killing six officers.
    95 2016.06.30 Israel Kiryat Arba 1 1 A 13-year-old girl is stabbed to death in her bedroom by a Palestinian terrorist.
    96 2016.06.30 Afghanistan Paghman 37 80 Two suicide bombers massacre thirty-seven souls in a coordinated attack on a group of buses.
    97 2016.06.30 Cameroon Limani 11 50 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a rival mosque, taking eleven others with him.
    98 2016.06.30 Somalia Lafole 18 20 Eighteen passengers on a minibus are cooked alive by an Islamist roadside blast.
    99 2016.06.30 Egypt Rafah 2 1 Two security personnel are ambushed and killed by Islamists.
    100 2016.06.30 Egypt al-Arish 1   A Coptic priest is shot in the head by Muslim radicals.
    101 2016.06.30 Israel Netanya   2 A mother shopping for her daughter's wedding dress is among two civilians stabbed by Muslim terrorists.
    102 2016.06.30 Bahrain Manama 1 3 A bomb planted by suspected Shiites kills a woman and injures her three children.
    103 2016.06.30 Bangladesh Bandarban 1   A 55-year-old Buddhist leader is hacked to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
    104 2016.06.30 Nigeria Obi 1   An evangelical pastor is hacked to death by militant Muslims.
    105 2016.06.29 Iraq Sharqat 2 8 ISIS mortar crews target refugees fleeing the violence, killing two.
    106 2016.06.29 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 7 Three patrons at a market are sectionalized by Mujahideen bombers.
    107 2016.06.29 Syria Bokomal 5   Five young people are beheaded on video by the Islamic State.
    108 2016.06.29 Mali Timbuktu 3 6 al-Qaeda linked militants ambush and kill three local soldiers.
    109 2016.06.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 A Muslim roadside bomb claims one life.
    110 2016.06.29 Cameroon Djakana 4 4 A young suicide bomber detonates at a video club, killing four patrons.
    111 2016.06.29 Syria Tal Abyad 10 25 A suicide car bomber targeting Kurdish civilians takes out ten.
    112 2016.06.28 Malaysia Puchong   8 A grenade thrown into a Malaysian bar during Ramadan is the work of an Islamist.
    113 2016.06.28 Turkey Istanbul 44 239 Three suicide bombers massacre over forty innocents at a busy airport.
    114 2016.06.28 Iraq Abu Ghraib 14 32 At least a dozen worshippers are laid out by a suicide blast at a mosque.
    115 2016.06.28 Afghanistan Kabul 1   A secular judge is gunned down by Sharia proponents.
    116 2016.06.28 Iraq Sharqat 4   Four civilians are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
    117 2016.06.28 Iraq Baghdad 4   Terrorists fire on a suspected brothel, killing three women and a child.
    118 2016.06.28 Thailand Muang 2 1 Muslim 'insurgents' gun down a father and son.
    119 2016.06.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Two people are leveled by a Jihadi bomb blast outside a row of shops.
    120 2016.06.27 Iraq Fallujah 7   Seven people are found tortured to death by the Islamic State.
    121 2016.06.27 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1   A young policeman at a checkpoint is picked off by a long-range Islamist sniper.
    122 2016.06.27 Lebanon Qaa 6 19 Six people are left dead after four suicide bombers detonate at a small village.
    123 2016.06.27 Yemen Mukalla 42 30 A woman and child are among over forty taken out by four suicide bombers.
    124 2016.06.27 Kenya Dimu 5 4 Five border guards are murdered by al-Shabaab extremists.
    125 2016.06.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A shooting and bombing leave one dead and two injured.
    126 2016.06.26 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 Two civilians are blown to bits by Mujahideen bombers.
    127 2016.06.26 Kuwait Kuwait City 1   A man kills his own brother for not fasting and praying during Ramadan.
    128 2016.06.26 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 3 Two policemen are disassembled by an ISIS roadside bomb.
    129 2016.06.25 Syria Deir Ezzor 4   ISIS hangs four young people while forcing their families to watch.
    130 2016.06.25 Bangladesh Chittagong 1   A Hindu practitioner is beheaded by Religion of Peace radicals.
    131 2016.06.25 India Pampore 8 24 Lashkar-e-Taiba members pour machine-gun fire into a bus, killing eight passengers.
    132 2016.06.25 Somalia Mogadishu 14 25 An al-Shabaab suicide bombing at a hotel claims the lives of fourteen employees and guests.
    133 2016.06.25 Pakistan Lahore   1 Four Muslims gang-rape a Christian whose brother had eloped with a Muslim.
    134 2016.06.25 Syria Raqqa 5   ISIS executed five journalists by forcing them to use cameras and computers rigged with explosives.
    135 2016.06.24 Cameroon Gouzoudoum 4 2 Boko Haram kill four villagers and torch their homes.
    136 2016.06.24 Somalia Yurkuk 5   Five farmers are killed during an al-Shabaab attack.
    137 2016.06.24 Afghanistan Kot 8 12 At least eight civilians are killed when ISIS loyalists burn down a village.
    138 2016.06.24 Saudi Arabia Qatif 1   A local cop is gunned down by Shia radicals.
    139 2016.06.24 Iraq Hawija 5   Five civilians are executed by ISIS at a popular market.
    140 2016.06.24 Libya Benghazi 4 14 Four civilians are killed when terrorists set off a car bomb in front of a hospital.
    141 2016.06.24 Pakistan Quetta 3 32 The Taliban are suspected of a bomb blast in a shopping district that leaves three dead.
    142 2016.06.23 Uganda Lakabuku 1   Faithful Muslims murder a Christian widow for refusing to allow a mosque on her property.
    143 2016.06.23 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 2 Two ISIS-supporting brothers stab their mother to death.
    144 2016.06.23 Syria Raqqa 1   A man is stabbed, shot and crucified by the Islamic State.
    145 2016.06.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadis set off a bomb near a candy factory, killing two passersby.
    146 2016.06.23 Iraq Naeima 2 1 A man and his son are killed when their house is burnt down by caliphate members.
    147 2016.06.23 Syria al-Bab 20   Twenty Kurds are executed for refusing to obey the Islamic State.
    148 2016.06.23 Iraq Tuz 2 3 Islamic State cadres murder an old man and his brother.
    149 2016.06.23 Syria Maalula 1   Jihadists slit the throat of a Christian man in front of his wife.
    150 2016.06.22 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 2 A Taliban bomb takes out a traffic cop and a commuter.
    151 2016.06.22 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 A Sufi singer is gunned down in a targeted attack by radicals.
    152 2016.06.22 Afghanistan Jund 4 1 An Afghan soldier gets religion and turns his gun on four colleagues.
    153 2016.06.22 Pakistan Yakatoot 1   An official is shot to death outside a mosque by suspected extremists.
    154 2016.06.22 Egypt al-Arish 1 1 A police officer is shot to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
    155 2016.06.21 Philippines Sulu 3   Three accused apostates are beheaded by caliphate loyalists.
    156 2016.06.21 Nigeria Vase 12   Six members of the same family are among a dozen butchered in cold blood by Fulani mercenaries.
    157 2016.06.21 Egypt al-Arish 1   Another policeman is murdered in his own home by four religious extremists.
    158 2016.06.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Two Sunnis are cut down by more-radical Sunnis.
    159 2016.06.21 Iraq Dor 5 35 A Sunni suicide bomber takes out five Shiites.
    160 2016.06.21 Syria Manbij 32   At least thirty people are killed by ISIS suicide bombers and executioners in a three day assault.
    161 2016.06.21 Iraq Souib 4 5 Four people at a checkpoint are torn to shreds by a Shahid suicide bomber.
    162 2016.06.21 Libya Garabulli 29 30 An ISIS RPG fired at a group of fleeing civilians hits an armory. Over two dozen are incinerated in the ensuing explosion.
    163 2016.06.21 Somalia Jowhar 1   An Islamist infiltrates a security detail and assassinates a government official.
    164 2016.06.21 Jordan Ruqban 6 14 A suicide car bomber slams into a border gate, killing at least six others.
    165 2016.06.20 Iraq Taji 4 12 Four Iraqis are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
    166 2016.06.20 Iraq Dibs 1 4 A bomb blast targeting a family fleeing the caliphate manages to kill one member.
    167 2016.06.20 Kenya Owane 1 3 An Islamist landmine kills an ambulance driver.
    168 2016.06.20 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 1   A Sunni is murdered at his office by Shiite radicals.
    169 2016.06.20 Afghanistan Badakhshan 10 40 Religious fanatics plant a motorcycle bomb at a crowded market that claims ten lives, including five children.
    170 2016.06.20 Afghanistan Kabul 33 5 Thirty-three bus passengers are incinerated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
    171 2016.06.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 A politician is assassinated by Taliban bombers.
    172 2016.06.20 Kenya Dimu 5   Five border guards are murdered by al-Shabaab extremists.
    173 2016.06.20 Egypt al-Arish 1   Islamic fanatics kill a police officer in his own home.
    174 2016.06.20 Nigeria Uzzar 8   Eight people are slaughtered by Muslim terrorists.
    175 2016.06.20 Sudan Thur 4   Suspected Arab militia attack a displaced persons camp and shoot four refugees to death, including a child.
    176 2016.06.20 Pakistan Karachi 1   An Ahmadiyya doctor is gunned down in a targeted attack on a religious minority.
    177 2016.06.19 Afghanistan Tagab Yari 6   Fundamentalists open fire on civilians eating during Ramadan, killing six.
    178 2016.06.19 Thailand Tak Bai 1   A 35-year-old woman is murdered by two Muslim militants.
    179 2016.06.19 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 9 Two people are left dead following a Mujahideen bomb blast at a popular market.
    180 2016.06.19 Iraq Amrli 9   Nine Sunnis are executed by Shiite radicals.
    181 2016.06.19 Nigeria Benue 18   Eighteen dead villagers are discovered following a raid by Fulani terrorists.
    182 2016.06.19 Syria Qamishi 3 5 At least three people are killed after a suicide bomber detonates at a memorial to massacred Christians.
    183 2016.06.19 Syria Latakia 1   An ISIS suicide bomber kills one other person.
    184 2016.06.19 Egypt Hasna 1 1 Fundamentalists take down a local cop with an IED.
    185 2016.06.18 Nigeria Wumbi 2   Islamists set fire to a village, killing two residents.
    186 2016.06.18 Iraq Qayara 3   Three people are executed for trying to flee the caliphate.
    187 2016.06.18 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 2 6 A street sweeper is among two people taken out by an ISIS suicide blast.
    188 2016.06.18 Syria Sheikh Maqsoud 7 40 At least seven residents are aerated by Sunni shrapnel in their own neighborhood.
    189 2016.06.18 Syria Aleppo 7   Seven members of a Kurdish family are killed in a targeted bombing of their vehicle.

    Both Pauline & Sonia Kruger are 100 Percent correct with their fear of whats ahead for Australia !


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