world leader gillard

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Gillard now in Seoul lecturing the rest of the world about how to behave and how to solve all the world's problems - is there no end to her arrogant and her inflated opinion of herself and her own so-called "leadership" talents.

    I would think many leaders at the G20 would think her nothing more than an unqualified upstart when it comes to the ernormous difficulties of solving the world's finanvial problems. Who is she to lecture? what are HER financial qualifications?

    She is so grating - lecturing banks from so far away, yet it was she and her government which sat and did nothing to prevent the recent bank mergers going through. So much for her "more competition" whining in Seoul. If she thinks that now, why not say something back then?

    Worse - is she having financial problems herself? If so, let's all take up a collection for her, poor thing, so she can get rid of that awful black and white striped blazer she drags out every second day. She seems to wear it almost constantIy. It appears in every second photo, at every event. We'll shout her a new wardrobe.

    Hasn't she ever heard of color - or skirts and dresses? Projecting an image of Prime Ministerial gravitas doesn't mean you can't be feminine AND businesslike with regard to choosing clothes.

    Thank heaven she's seen the light and has left Tim home. Her previous trip was a debacle, and she and her protocol advisers should have known better. Tim trailing around behind her in Asia made us a laughing stock, and a target for behing the scenes crticism, and did us a lot of damage in countries who do not take too kindly to such living arrangements, whether we agree with them or not.
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