world problem is population, page-62

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    Misinformation?? That is yet to be determined.


    "Both India and China have massive poverty and environmental issues."


    Is poverty caused by overpopulation? Was the world richer or poorer a hundred years ago when the population was a fraction of what it is now? OK, so we have yet to determine whether poverty causes overpopulation or overpopulation causes poverty.
    My money is on poverty causes overpopulation rather than the opposite. Birthrates decline as a population becomes more affluent.

    As for the environmental issues, it is just a stage all industrializing countries go through. Britain had the same thing a century ago, the US a bit later, and the communist countries till the fall of communism. Why?

    My money is on capital accumulation. Till everyone has a reasonable standard of living, the environment is a secondary issue. When everyone has a full stomach, nice houses and clean clothes then the next item is urban aesthetics, and not before. Just the way it works...


    "You need to take off your rose coloured glasses and stop looking at glossy travel brochures and see what is really happening in those 2 countries that contain almost half the world's population."


    Why do you assume I look at travel brochures? I have been to both countries, India and China in 1982, India again in 2003. Still crowded but they seem to get by and are getting by better now with a higher population than they did when I first went there. So, is that evidence that higher population= poverty? I'd say no.....


    "Chronic pollution, poverty, crime ridden and disease ridden and unsustainable farming practices and massive deforestation and desertification and polluted rivers. China only survives because it is raping every other country on the planet."

    China will get it all sorted, they are clever. The Poms did so there is no reason the Chinese can't. Anyhow, the population density of mainland China is less than that of Taiwan, and Taiwan has never had a major issue feeding itself. Perhaps that was to do with the economic system?
    Actually Java is the most densely populated area on Earth and neither the Taiwanese nor Javanese ever needed a stupid one child policy.

    As for "raping" every other country on the planet....hyperbole much???


    "Sooner or later it will all collapse, as will India as they can not sustain the type of growth they are pushing for with the massive populations they have!"


    Well, shonks like David Suzuki and Paul Ehrlich(amongst many others) have been saying the same thing for a long time. Sounds like BS propaganda to me as they(especially Paul Ehrlich) have been so consistently wrong. Actually, the idea goes back to Thomas Malthus of the early 19th century and it's been wrong ever since but that doesn't seem to stop people believing it...


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