world problem is population, page-69

  1. 2,839 Posts.
    As postulated in "Inferno", half the world's population needs to be sterilised immediately, by fair means or foul.
    Population growth at the current rate spells doom in the not too distant future.
    By sterilised I don't mean with a scalpel, clever use of chemicals with no side effects will fit the bill perfectly.
    Some form of liquid birth control, programmed to make half the breeders barren, released into the water system.
    Sounds harsh?
    No, not really.
    Survival of the human race is at stake here, and this "cure" will do the trick with the least, or no harm done to those lucky enough to draw the "long" straw.
    Release it anonymously and no-one will ever know what's happened.
    Desperate times require desperate measures.
    Beats the heck out of world wars and plagues.
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