world tip toeing on glass

  1. 399 Posts.
    This is my personal opinion and is in no way meant to offend others.
    How will the worlds current financial dilemma ever be solved.Each day now we have worstening financial reports,creating a catalyst for financial pressure and meltdown,the snowball effect will not stop until we see companies start posting profits and debts reduced.
    But how do we start posting profits when each day the market falls creating less wealth,intern creating more pressure for selling and thus pushing the worlds infrastructure further into an abyss.

    Not one government or any world leader hs been able to come up with a surity plan to stop this,how do we get the average citizen to regain confidence and spending when they are the main ones being effected,your average western civilians main concern is to feed his family and keep his house,it is the natural animal instinct to protect only what he cares for,so how can he effectively help the economy.

    Positive breeds on positive,currently we are working on a maths equasion only producing negatives,what will be the stimulus for worlds economies to florish again,there is nothing new in the pot to create wealth for poorer countries,oil has gone to its lows,world resources are taking a battering as the demand for products has come to a standstill.

    Asian influence has now taken a massive toll on all western economies,its like nature,every creature needs another to survive,in lamens terms we need asia and they need us,If their exports dry up they will not buy raw materials thus putting us in deeper recession with falling jobs and materials devaluation,once this devaluation has reached a critical point there is no incentive for large companies to keep producing,billions foe example pumped into the car industry for mass production,but when you get from producing 10 million cars ayear to 1 million what is the point of even turning the production line on.

    Now for an open debate who can come up with a sure fired plan to stimulate the worlds economies without creating a world war,we know in the past this seems to be repaired by a good old war,i do not wish to go into that scenario,but if small countries pushed in to total financial ruin may just attempt to take what is not theirs,and we also cannot be all drug cartels,lol
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