This has to be a Friday joke - but no, it's for real.Federal...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    This has to be a Friday joke - but no, it's for real.

    Federal Greens Senator Rachel Siewert, WA, is attempting to introduce into the Upper House a new proclamation of a "World Toilet Day." She wants the Senate to recognise such a day in order to initiate investigation of sanitation issues within Australia. Under the same auspices she also proposes Australian give financial contributions overseas to help tackle the world's sanitation problems.

    The Greens also want an official Parliamentary Enquiry into how many Koalas there still are in Australia. (Seriously).

    Note Gillard was at her full flight of shrewish venom again yesterday in Parliament. So much for the new "sweetness and light atmosphere" she meekly agreed to help foster just after the election when she was "wooing" the Independents.

    She was screaming abuse at Abbott as usual in her worst nasal tones - and what did the Speaker do? Absolutely zilch! It's worse now than it was before the election.

    BTW - Why hasn't Rudd gone to Lisbon? Thought HE was Foreign Minister?? If not, then what IS he doing?
    Gillard admits she's rotten at foreign diplomacy - yet still jumps on every plane available to rush o/seas.
    Yes, there are huge hills of hypocrisy in Canberra these days!

    Hilary Clinton as US Secretary of State (Foreign Minister) travels everywhere - not Obama - so what's Rudd doing to earn HIS keep?
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