LOM 0.00% 1.8¢ lucapa diamond company limited

I previously posted my view that the upcoming Ann may be about...

  1. 695 Posts.
    I previously posted my view that the upcoming Ann may be about the Gazetting and future contractual arrangements for Kimberlite mining and LOM equity.

    I now think that may be incorrect and it may be about Diamonds from BLK 6.
    Two Specials in the 100ct range were ann from the first two days of processing the stockpile at Blk 6.
    It is likely that since then they have found more Specials in the 100ct range and in addition something much bigger.
    I posted some days back a list of the world's largest diamonds ever found and:

    "The Angola Star" at 217.39 cts. is about number 40 in the world's largest ever found:
    My thinking is that the Angolan govt. considered the LOM find nationally significant.

    LOM have found a diamond in company with the Angola Star or even larger. If that is correct we have a large number of 100ct type Specials and the largest (or near largest) stone ever found in Angola.

    Hence the interest from Endiama and the govt. because an Ann of this importance would be a catalyst for Investment in the Angolan diamond industry.

    The company will ann it on Monday?

    Conjecture only but seems logical and possible??

    Fingers crossed and still along wait for us all......GLTA
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