worlds greatest treasurer, page-14

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    Extract from Larry Pickering's latest, full version heading this thread, posted by "Pints" -

    Larry Pickering - 6/12/12:- Quote:

    "Gillard knows she is in trouble with her endless array of electorate-friendly “reforms”. Her solution is to have “trial periods” to keep the total costs off-budget and ensure the Opposition is left with an electoral backlash as is the case in QLD where Campbell Newman is left with an horrific debt of $60 billion. A cunning ploy.

    Make no mistake, Julia Gillard is the most dangerous politician in Australia’s history. Wayne Swan the most dishonest.

    With a toxic mix of criminality, incompetence, vanity and ideological, communist commitment, Gillard has led this country to unnecessary insolvency.

    She is without principle or conscience and will not stop until she is stopped."

    Ted Baillieu already the "victim" of the Gillard devious ploys - a South Australian, based in Victoria for political reasons, and knowing this to be the most "Labor" of all the States, (her last hope) does everything possible she can possibly do to cut Baillieu off at the knees. Never mind the welfare of Victorians - and her main aim, allegedly, is to leave this State in as dire a situation, fiscally, as she possibly can. She does NOT care two hoots. Thus setting the stage for an entirely undeserved backlash against Baillieu, who's presently flat-tack trying to hold up this State's dignity and everyday smooth running, at the same time having to clean up the huge fiasco mess left behind by Bracks (who walked out on us one Friday night, WITH his Deputy, doing the same, a disgrace - and both with NO notice!)

    Yes, they walked out and left us with the unelected Brumby - who's now lost an election and left us with huge fiscal disasters, such as the Tim Flannery panic inspired monstrosity of a billions of dollars money--eater - the too big - money gobbling, superflous, to be unused for a decade - or never - de-sal plant. A ghastly mess HE'S INHERITED, in no way HIS fault, but an inherited mess which she and her cohorts then all hope, in spite and hatred, will get him voted out. Machiavellian that she is.

    Why hasn;t Tim Flannery copped HUGE flack over this! And he, not even a climate scienties. Just takes wild guesses at possible outcomes - and now Victorians will be paying for NOTHING, plus interest, for decades! A ball and chain around all our feet. AND our grandchildren's. The people have the colossal NERVE to BLAME Bailleiu! when Gillard's also cut the Liberal States GST revenues drastically, spitefully!

    Pity O'Farrell in NSW has felt the need to cave in to her spite in having to come in early and do HER bidding on his State's fundings re. the Intellectual Disability Scheme. Which she CAN'T afford - knows she cannot - but is going to leave to others to worry about - meanwhile clutching at this last policy as the drowning would to a lifebuoy.

    The same mentality as a woman going into Tiffany's, chossing an expensive diamond necklace, and having the bill sent to her boyfriend - if he goes broke, she doesn't have to worry. She still has the necklace. And she'll still get all the PM perks - no matter how bad she was.

    Meanwhile, Labor are cutting dental schemes, and withdrawing Federal Health funding at the rate of knots.

    Why on earth is MOUTH health regarded as an entirely separate entity from every other health issue - body surface, content, or orifice of the human body. And so the poor, the old, the battling, CANNOT afford decent dental care! NIL rebates - and private dentists costing the EARTH! This too should be on the Medicare system - the bad oral health which ensues can be extremely dangerous to one's general health.

    Yes, Gillard, Swan (and their equally culpable army of cohorts, most Union based, trained to see evil and do nothing, are ultra dangerous to the health of Australia - it's political direction - to say nothing of the parlous state of our fiscals under the so-called "leadership" of these two completely inept and hate filled Far Leftist ideologues.

    Both so thick skinned and arrogant, so full of spite, hate, and the ensuing sneering at all and any criticism, they each deceive themselves that they are somehow "popular".

    Their own MP's now equally culpable. Where is someone with some honesty, integrity, AND conscience within this now entirely off the rails Laboring, rusting, broken down, machine. Past their use by date - we the public now need to trade them in.

    Thanks Pickering - so saying it so well! (And watch your back!)
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