worldwide online petition

  1. 657 Posts.

    Urban takes on Mugabe,27574,24916740-29277,00.html

    January 15, 2009 03:35pm

    TV personality Andrew Urban is urging the man-on-the-street
    to back a worldwide online petition set up to oust Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe.

    Please, click below to sign the petition and forward this to as many people as you know!

    He launched the website petition today, arguing there was "no central focus'' for people to vent their frustrations with the ongoing crisis in the southern African nation.

    Mr Urban, who fronts a movie review show on Foxtel's World Movies channel, says he aims to present at least one million signatures to the African Union's Peace and Security Commission.

    "I wanted to try and do something in the obvious absence of anyone doing anything,'' he said.

    "I felt that a man-on-the-street movement, which had a very specific target, would really be the only way I could think of to try and effect some change in Zimbabwe which is a crisis dangling - even forgotten - in the current dispute in Gaza.

    "People are very concerned, but there's no central focus and I hope this will provide an outlet for all those people who want to try and do something,'' he added.

    President Mugabe, who has headed Zimbabwe as a virtual dictator since 1987, has provoked widespread domestic and global condemnation for his harassment of political opponents, disastrous economic policies and the massive internal displacement and emigration of his people.

    Once the bread basket of Africa, Zimbabwe's population now mostly lives in poverty, with a current cholera outbreak having killed more than 2100 people.

    Mr Urban said he felt frustrated at the inaction of world leaders and international organisations, which were impeded by diplomacy.

    "Not having any affiliations, I felt free of those constraints,'' he said.

    He has no idea how much support the petition will receive, but hopes to gain a million signature before he delivers the petition.

    "We need people aware of it around the world so it becomes a force,'' he said.

    "I hope that everyone in my network will tell everyone in their networks then this can grow quite exponentially. It's 10 seconds and you can make a difference.'',27574,24916740-29277,00.html
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