Not again - YAWN -Bob Brown has to justify his existence somehow...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    Not again - YAWN -

    Bob Brown has to justify his existence somehow - the little horror. Or is it the big horror.

    Never forget him when Pres. Bush was in Parliament - he was first in the queque to rush up and try to shake him by the hand after the speech -with such an obsequious smile on his face - but my memory is that he got bundled aside before he got near him. I think Kerry Nettle was bringing up the rear!

    He's spent many previous weeks painting Bush as the Devil Incarnate.

    The Greens and the Democrats are always grizzling and griping - and wanting Senate enquiries and
    and Royal Commissions. They make a cottage industry out of them. It gives them a reason to live!

    They'll be wanting an enquiry soon on why their Rice Bubbles don't pop!

    The theory, I think being - we know we're irrelevant - but if we keep enough enquiries uo and running - it makes us look busy - and gives US something else to grizzle about. And it looks good on telly. I can put on my "now I'm NOT happy Jan" look and someone'll think I'm important in the scheme of things.

    IS Brown EVER happy - about ANYTHING! Gripe gripe gripe.

    He makes a living out of whining! Closely followed by Lyn Allison. Closely followed by our Natasha.

    Have opinions yes - but being negative for the sake of just being ornery is not progressing this country one iota.

    c.c. Mr. Rudd.
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