Did anybody see Tony Abbott (Howard's mostloyal politicial...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Did anybody see Tony Abbott (Howard's most
    loyal politicial 'altar boy') trashing 'the worm'
    on tonight's news because it did not respond
    properly to the intellectual content of...

    ... 'His Master's Voice'.

    Do I have news for 'Tony The Abbott'!

    There is far more to human communication
    than desiccated intellectual content.

    People of all political, social and religious
    persuasions respond to 'tone of voice' as
    well as intellectual content, body odour,
    facial expression and body 'language'.

    John Howard suffers from what is known
    in psychiatric circles that specialise
    in personality disorders as...

    ... 'Short Man's Syndrome'.

    He tends to compensate for being short with
    a loud, irritating and demanding voice.

    He spoke to camera (the TV audience) as
    if he was lecturing the complete fools
    who sit opposite him in Parliament.

    B-I-G mistake and the worm responded
    in exactly the same way as my Beagle
    does when I lose my termper and
    yell at him for being naughty.

    Howard: "Anybody who votes Labor
    will regret it - and we have ways
    to ensure that you will regret it!"

    Response: The worm cowers in terror.

    Rudd: "My proposal for education
    is that Labor will blah, blah, blah."

    Response: The worm wags its tail.

    Last night, nbody gave a rat's backside fo
    the intellectual content of Rudd's warm
    and friendly address and composure.

    It was his warm composure (when
    compared to Howard's demanding
    to be obeyed tone) that had the
    worm eating out of the palm
    of Rudd's gentleman's hand.

    If the worm could speak this is what he
    was saying last night to John Howard
    on befalf of many ordinary Aussies:

    "We don't care how much you know until
    we know how how much you care."

    And judging by Howard's atrocious
    attitude towards shoving unwanted
    and homeless kids into electrified
    Ruddock cages, he doesn't give
    a rat's about human rights!

    It's reverence for Howard's
    inhumane policies that
    concerns Howard.

    Be an angel ...

    ... please don't vote for Liberal child abusers.
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