worst prime minister ever, page-67

  1. 1,366 Posts.
    "The worst PM this country has had was John Howard,
    who proceeded to demean us in the eyes of the world,
    leading by fear and inciting xenophobia. We lost our lucky country under him. The guy was continually getting off on catastrophes and "

    Honestly he's worse than people believe. His rhetoric re Iraq was just a complete joke. Saying we had to go before a Pearl Harbour situation developed. Hahahahaha!!! Yes, because a third world country, with no inter continental missle delivery systems, in which sanctions killed one million children could possibly pose any threat to the USA or Australia. What a success it turned out to be too? Oust a Sunni led dictarship which was a natural counterbalance to the Shi'te led Iran in the region, and replace the govt with a Shi/'te govt. sympathetic to Iran, a new natural ally in effect. As a result embolden Iran, and now years dow the track we are virutlly ready to start another ridiculous war with a nation (iran) that does not pose a threat to our master (USA).

    That said Howard was a fairly slick political operator, but he inherited favourable economic consditions, with which he did very little but be sensible and deliver surpluses, which was needed anyway to take some heat out of a firing economy. Where were the structural reforms to take us forward and create the next base for growth?

    Howard and Pistol Pete inherited an economy primed from the reforms pushed in by Keating (first as Treasurer) then as PM:

    - Float of the dollar (proven time and time again as a stabiliser to our economy, cept now cause a loon at the Fed)
    - reduction of tariffs on imports (ie freer trade)
    - taxation reforms
    - a move to enterprise bargaining away from centralised wage fixing. Prices and Incomes accord with ACTU.
    - Privatisation and deregulation of the baking system
    - Asia pivot, establishing bi-lateral links with Asia and stressing the importance of Australia as being part of Asia and Asia being key to our fortunes
    - Super guarantee to adress our savings shortfall

    Seriously examine that list and think about the significance and success. After this was done it naturally stoked inflation as the sheer size of the structural shifts in the economy unleashed massive economic growth, but it set the foundation for the 14 years of sustained growth Howard and Costello inherited.

    Oh and yeah, Keating got the ball rolling on reconciliation with our indigenous population.

    Howard is the most overrated PM this country has ever had, but that's generally what happens when the economy is god, you get overrated even if it is good not by any of your doing.

    And as overrated as i personally feel he is, here we are stuck with Gillard or Abbot. Im feel like crying into my morning cereal with the "choice" btw these two.

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