BWN 0.00% 60.0¢ bhagwan marine limited

worth a review, page-53

  1. 9,929 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 868
    also if you take a look at what custom mining spent on there ,mine as well its not the return you may think

    as reading sedgman annoucment
    22/06/2007 Wins Middlemount Coal Contracts
    contract worth $65 million dollars

    if your read resource stock - issue-sept 07
    page 43-44 martin place has shares in custom mining - as a unlisted company.

    how may shares did custom mining have ?

    how much have they actucally spent on the project in total ?
    it is quite advanced ,it was going to be a ipo listing at one stage too.

    building a coal mine is not easy and cheap task.
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