would you employ dumb and dumber as ceo's, page-62

  1. 11,084 Posts.

    Hi Amel,
    Sorry to post this again, but I think it is really important in trying to have more understanding of K Rudd.
    Don't know if you looked at this before.

    I've never had much confidence in his mate, Daffy Duck either.

    ForrestGump (thanks)
    Post #: 67773
    In Reply to msg: #60474
    IP: 121.44.xxx.xxx
    Views: 72

    Subject: Latham on Dudd

    Was Mark Latham really as mad as Labor now claims. Consider just some of
    what the former Opposition Leader wrote of his then foreign affairs
    spokesman in his Latham Diaries, and ask why so many commentators were so
    slow to see through Rudd, too:

    Rudd is mentioned on no fewer than 40 occasions in his diaries and never
    finds one good thing to say about him. Here are just a few quotes from his

    Rudd's Foreign Policy

    Monday 24th March 2003, Page 217

    "War in Iraq and Simon has got himself into a terrible tangle. The basic
    lesson: never listen to Rudd on foreign policy. If that guy is an expert
    then I'm Henry Kissinger."

    Page 218

    Today Rudd was even worse. At 9.15 am he played a role in drafting the
    troops resolution at Shadow Cabinet but at 5.00pm at the National Right
    Meeting after Robert Ray attacked the wording Rudd stood up and disowned it
    calling it hopeless. I'm still shaking my head in disbelief that it was the
    same person at both meetings. He's an incredible piece of work.

    Rudd on Trust

    Saturday, 22nd November 2003, Page 243

    All the snakes are sliding around in the grass feeding their poison to
    Seccombe (SMH Journalist): Rudd, Swan, Albanese, Tanner and Comb-over.

    Page 249

    It is amazing that the journalist couldn't see through him. Two factors:
    they are lazy and dumb and Rudd is a fanatical media networker. He is
    addicted to it worse than Heroin.

    Wednesday, 14 April 2004, Page 280

    I've had a suspicion for some time now that Rudd has been feeding mat-erial
    to Oakes. Decided to set him up, telling Kevvie about our focus groups on
    Iraq. No such research exists-Gartrell says he's doing some quantita-tive
    polling but not focus groups. Today, right on cue, Jabba has written in the
    Bulletin: 'The Labor Party's polling firm has been busily running focus
    groups to test the public mood following Latham's 'troops -out'
    announce-ment. The most significant finding, I understand, is overwhelming
    support for the alliance with the United States'.
    Trapped him. Two weeks ago in New Zealand, I announced our inten-tion to
    have a Minister for the Pacific Islands. That's the job I'll give Rudd if we
    win. Joel thinks I'm joking, but I'm deadly serious. Rudd is a terrible
    piece of work: addicted to the media and leaking. A junior minister in
    Government, at best.

    Rudd's Vanity

    Saturday, 30th December 2003, Page 256

    Kevvie wanted his title expanded to the more grandiose Shadow Minister for
    Foreign Affairs and International Security. No worries, but then he rang me
    last Sunday to say he objected to McClelland also having the word `Security'
    in his title. At first I thought it was some kind of joke, but the crazy
    bastard was serious: he had a long and absurd argument about the alleged
    overlap between the two jobs. I suggested he talk to McClelland, hoping to
    never hear from him again.

    By the end of the day, Rudd was threatening to go to the backbench, over a
    question of semantics. I told him I was willing to accept his resigna-tion
    and he went away to think about it. The ideal contingency plan was McMullan
    to Foreign Affairs and then I could save face with Coxie in Finance. Rudd
    called at about 11 p.m. and backed down, allowing the announcement to go
    ahead the next day.

    Friday 22nd October 2004, Page 364

    Another slice of Caucus chaos: Kevin Rudd. On Wednesday, ' The Australian '
    carried a front-page story saying that if Rudd didn't became Shadow
    Treasurer he would go to the backbench. My thoughts went back to December
    last year and his tantrum over his title. He's such a prima donna

    Rudd came around to see me yesterday morning, lobbying to be Shadow
    Treasurer. He went into a long explanation of why he's so wonderful. When he
    finished I put my cards on the table: that I regard him as disloyal and
    unreli-able, and he only holds his frontbench position because of his media
    profile and public standing among people who have never actually met him. I
    also told him that if the newspaper report was true, he should get ready for
    the backbench, as there was no way I could give him the Shadow Treasury.

    He appeared surprised, protested his innocence and then broke down badly,
    sobbing over the recent death of his mother, just before polling day. I told
    him to leave work and go back to Brisbane to rest with his family. But he
    wouldn't give up. Even though he was crying, he kept on lobbying to be
    Shadow Treasurer. It was becoming quite sad. Then he said words that I will
    never forget: 'I swear on my mother's grave that The Australian story is
    wrong, totally wrong, and that I've been loyal to you and will continue to
    be loyal to your leadership'.

    I don't mind people bullshitting to me in politics, but not like this. Last
    week he rang around Caucus to gauge the mood after our loss, and told Trish
    Crossin that my leadership was on notice: I had until the Budget Reply
    speech next May to prove myself. He's always bagging me to journal-ists and
    that's not going to change any time soon. I don't trust him, no matter what
    he says


    How can anyone have any faith or trust in the Rudd squad, when their past performance has nearly bankrupted our country, going from a healthy surplus to owing $58 Billion ??

    How can anyone have faith/trust in a govt that can't run simple projects, ie., insulation, school buildings, solar projects, etc., etc.

    How can Rudd and co. make such a huge change to, what has been up to now a successful system concerning the mining industry, where I would think it would be much more complicated compared to the govts other failed projects, ... with nothing much to show for them.

    This govt must be desperate to get some money back into its coffers, but I feel they are in the process of setting us up for our own GFC.

    Regards, Ravi
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