WTE wedgetail mining limited

wow !!!, page-13

  1. 3,589 Posts.
    re: wow, wacko, yippee, our prayers answered Mr Dollar......

    I said I would not post on this for a while but considering my name was mentioned I feel I have right of reply....

    what 2.9 cents wasn't close enough for you......

    as far as the BFS is concerned it says nothing we already didn't know.....

    another 12 months before first gold pour....

    another capital raising......

    no income before then.....

    need to buy second hand equipment?

    drilling last 2 months?.....have they?

    not a very detailed BFS if you ask me......

    using A$800/oz gold price......going for current range top?

    broker presentation?..........where, when?

    seems to me they needed to release something to salvage the shareprice......

    and this is the best they came up with......

    for the mum and dad shareholders I am glad it has come back......but for how long?

    thats all for now!

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