WR1 1.16% 42.5¢ winsome resources limited

WR1 General Discussion, page-24283

  1. 1,461 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 574
    Yes but funds aren't just one person doing the trading? That are comprised by 100s of analysts that trade on behalf of their respective institutions.
    Even if a company has a billion dollars but 1000 staff, Each staff member only has 1 mill to invest. (granted it won't be an even split).

    My mate that work on wallstreet says all these analysts annual reviews, bonuses and jobs are dependant on results. They don't need 200% returns, they just need to hit their quota. Why risk trying to be a supernova by investing in small caps that have high volatility when you could loss your job?

    As for your copy and paste, I agree with the sentiment but again that are for larger cap stocks with high liquidity.
    Key line being if there isn't alot of insider buying. This stock pops with the gentlest of pushes. How many people on this forum alone have been waiting for for a trend reversal. With low SOI, companies just need to do one or two line wipes for a mere 150k and it will spark being saying this is it.

    Could've made a few pips within an hour.

    Finally, again I still don't get why you keep referencing the market? S&P 500 or any indices have no impact on Li stocks.
    S&P500 in 2022 hit 3700 when Li stock were hitting ATHs. Apples and oranges
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Mkt cap ! $94.30M
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43.0¢ 43.0¢ 42.5¢ $17.87K 41.99K

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2 99943 42.5¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
43.0¢ 13209 3
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Last trade - 16.10pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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