Meanwhile, Australia is on the path of not being able to produce...

  1. 434 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Meanwhile, Australia is on the path of not being able to produce a drop of Petrol or diesel, soon to be unable to produce a tyred vehicle...... Winding back the country before "giving it back to the rightful owners!" is clearly well on the way.

    On a side note, When China fires the first shot, will an embargo be put in place banning the export of war requirements (iron ore, coal, oil, gas, copper........)

    Australians of the future will not thank those who have systematically run the country into the ground over the last 50 years or so while they are paying rent to their foreign landlords, importing foreign consumer goods through foreign owned ports, driving foreign made cars on foreign owned roads while consuming foreign produced petrol. And don't dare get sick because the foreign owned hospitals might just decide to youthinasia you.

    Then of course there is the penal system that Australia may become with the foreign owned prisons profiting from the despair of the local impoverished people who did nothing wrong other than being left a legacy of debt, debt and more debt with not a single income producing asset to service that debt.
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