Rothschilds and rockefellers are involved heavily in the NWO.the...

  1. 472 Posts.
    Rothschilds and rockefellers are involved heavily in the NWO.the carbon tax for the non existant global warming was designed to take us to world govt.
    Jay Rockefeller is now turning on obama so I assume there will be a false flaf assassination attempt before long.
    Greec and spain are broke,.Euro almost gone.USA has a debt to GDP of 85% UK is 92%.

    USA is on the verge of civil war and lebanon will explode with one wrong move from Israel.USA will attack Iran and when that happens expect WW3.

    USA owes trillions to Russia China and India and cannot pay.Russia has a security pact with iran and China and India need Russia for gas and oil and and not to mention are upset with USA who cannot pay their bills.

    If you think there will not be a third world war within the next 12-18 months then you are asleep at the wheel.

    All the signs are there for global depression and war.

    Iran has never stepped outside its borders for over 200 years yet they are not allowed nuclear power.The criminal zionists are the problem and are the cause of the troubles.

    the swine flu was fake and the vaccines are killing people.the vaccine companies simply reduced the criteria to be deemed a pandemic and made it look like a pandemic so they could make money.

    Copenhagen was about One world Govt and was foiled when the leaked emails showed it was a scam.

    Eric Plianka advocates releasing ebola.Obamas right hand environment man advocated poisoning water to cause sterilisation.Kissinger advocated destroying africa and taking the assets.

    The whole NWO plan is satanic and relates to the elites plan for domination.

    You can laugh now but you will not be laughing in 12-18 months whern there is total financial collapse on a world scale and a war as well.
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