S&P gave the US and Wall Street a good wake up callDo something...

  1. 446 Posts.
    S&P gave the US and Wall Street a good wake up call
    Do something about there DEBT NOW
    The debt ceiling was reality, and the Market doesn't like reality.
    S&P was the only rating agency that made the right call. The US should have been downgrade as soon as it hit the debt celing. By saying this
    Some persons at S&P made $$$millions by downgrading the USA, to allow their MEGA BILLIONAIRE CLIENTS to reap BILLIONS$$$$!!!!!
    Rich people are poor people with too much money
    According to the US Census Bureau:
    10% of all Americans own 85% of the retirement money out there.
    The rich keep getting richer.
    With 100% Debt vs GDP and will jump to 26.5 Trilion from 14.5 within 10 years.
    As far as the 2 Trillion error....NOT ... US debt was focasted at groth of GDP of 2.9 it was .4 1st Qrt
    and 1.3 for 2nd Qrt. That means debt is now higher than what the Gov forcasted
    Us payment on interest for debt will jump from
    230 Bil. to 930 Bil. in 10 years
    Let see how thing work out
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