....the problems with autocracies is THEY JUST DON'T WORK WELL...

  1. 38,250 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 502
    ....the problems with autocracies is THEY JUST DON'T WORK WELL !

    They don't tend to be good decision makers , they don't tend to hold the best talent ....or use it to it's full potential .
    Their priorities are more about "controlling " their population than developing it .
    One man making all the decisions and never being replaced (and never being judged for his mistakes ) is just not the best way .

    As evidence of this ......5 of the top 6 companies in the world are in the US .....most of the top 100 are in democracies - not autocracies .

    China and russia had agreed to build an airliner between them ......when it came down to the motors .....they had import from the west .....neither country hads the technology .
    China makes a lot of SC chips ......but NONE of the best chips .....none of the really small ones that are important for the high tech of today .....imported !
    World leaders in chips and in advanced chip etching .....Taiwan , the US , South Korea and the Netherlands .
    The best uni's in the world are in democracies .
    Quantum computing is again being led by the west ......although China has two irons in that fire .....a lot less than the US has .

    Robotics ....I think it's Japan .

    russia is a technological wasteland that has slipped way behind the times and imports everything thast needs technology.

    idiots here are expecting these countries that are losing the technology race to become dominant in world affairs .....LOL .....makes no sense .....what else is new ?
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