The 911 Scapegoat

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    The 911 Scapegoat

    28 May 2002

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    Some people

    figured we were under the wrong impression that there was a war going

    on or something in the business of money with l

    title, "Gold

    Bulls Unite." Hah.

    Keynesianism - you can fool all the people

    all the time (people are irrational anyway, subject to the "fetish

    of liquidity" and "animal spirits")

    Rational Expectations - you can never fool

    anyone, even a little bit

    Austrianism - you can fool most of the

    people some of the time but it will come back and bite you

    - Robert Blumen

    Let me clear that up for those puppies

    right now: you bet there is, but g

    bulls unite
    was simply "descriptive" of what has been happening. Isn't

    it? Just doing my job. Babies. They're probably short.

    For those unacquainted with monetary history

    or the relationship between capitalism and gold, it is also a jab at Marx's

    "workers of the world unite" plea. Yes, gold and money happen to be smack

    in the middle of a war between capitalism and socialism. If you don't

    care or believe us, change the channel, because the rest of our analysis

    discounts it.

    gold going to correct now? We don't know? I don't think so however. Not
    if its rising momentum is an indication of anything. Not if the US dollar
    index falls through 112 in the short term, and certainly not if it falls
    through 108, where dollar bulls guard primary bull market support.

    Gold prices have certainly far from reached

    a reasonable revaluation relative to their fundamentals in our view, so

    whatever corrections there will be, we expect they'll come when we least

    expect but also that they will continue to end before we generally expect.

    Sentiment is far from too bullish at this juncture to claim an end to

    what is unfolding today. The dollar is fighting for its life in Forex

    markets as our governors try and figure out how they can keep the inflation

    away from gold. So far, there hasn't been much of a bounce. Dollar bulls

    are still pitted against the ring wondering when round 1 will end.

    At various points in the not too distant

    future I'd bet there are going to be concerted attacks at the gold market

    by its opponents. I've tried to come up with some plausible angles that

    the banking community supporting the dollar might attempt, but have concluded

    we aren't likely to see them until the momentum dissipates in the market.

    Reg Howe cleverly anticipated one: a potential

    cancellation of the

    on gold signed by 15 European

    Bankers in 1999, which was seen as capping further sales of gold at the

    time by the global banking industry.

    Underlying this potential PR bomb (favoring

    the dollar) is the debate about whether it would work or not. Of course

    it will, for a while, at least until investors really begin to understand

    the nature of the gold market's ascent today. But in the end it wouldn't,

    and would only aggravate the supply & demand imbalances already boiling

    beneath the surface. In theory it should actually increase the speed by

    which the market rejects the bankers' notes as money altogether. But all

    of that depends on investor's perceptions of the truth.

    The truth is that the banking system needs

    its gold if it wants its notes (currency) to stay competitive with gold

    on the free market, as money. They would not have the nerve to act in

    contempt of this truth except when confidence in the reserve currency

    at least is strong, and when they think they can control the process.

    But today, the key players, which have shared the risk in this, have grown

    weary of bullion banker's hedging ideas, not to mention the fact that

    confidence in the dollar is undergoing a big test right now.

    The truth is "probably" that the Washington

    Agreement was related to the launch of the Euro, and was intended as a

    self-regulated measure that would prevent a further competitive devaluation

    of their gold reserves. It would be a hair-brained scheme to believe that

    by canceling the W.A. they could inspire support for the Euro.

    Or it would be motivated by US interests

    trying to support a strong dollar/euro rate.

    Anyway, concerns about an increasing tendency

    to war haven't been dispelled, and I don't know that Terror fears in some

    US cities have vanished. This is seen as one of the main drivers of recent

    investment interest for gold in the US. It has been. But here is the thing.

    Analysts that have been bearish on gold are beginning to explain this

    as the reason for gold's comeback, blaming September 11th and subsequent

    reports of growing fear in New York. Accordingly, it must seem as if the

    gold market has been forecasting just this. Thus, if global terrorism

    came to a halt, gold prices should fall. Whew, then they could all be


    For, there could be no other reason to

    be bearish on the dollar could there? It's the same thinking that leads

    investors to conclude the only reason the stock market fell in September

    was due to the terrorist bombings, as if it would have went up without

    that event. There were plenty of reasons the stock market was going to

    fall anyway.

    But some analysts always pick the explanation

    of an exogenous event as if you could neatly chart the history of the

    market according to certain such events through time.

    Whether it is deliberate or not we can

    only speculate, but one of the ways that the banking community might fight

    the rising gold tide is through propaganda like this, where professionally

    designated "economists" pin the blame neatly on 9/11.

    The very convenience in pinning the blame

    on exogenous events is their temporary nature. In other words, once they

    go away everything is back to normal. Or so it is hoped.

    Whatever one thinks, however, it can't

    possibly be argued that the closer to the truth he or she is, the better

    they'll do with their money. The moral of the story is to think again

    before pinning the blame for a collapsing economy and rising value of

    gold on September 11. The explanation we prefer is that the (global) economy

    is suffering from an inflation breakdown in the United States. In the

    one case, the investor may see the "temporary" fear and terror as a buying

    opportunity for dollar assets. In the other case, investors' confidence

    in dollar assets is far from bottoming out.

    (If you're not sure of

    what we mean by the term "inflation breakdown," we've written a summary

    of that idea at:

    Breakdown Nears

    Before choosing sides however, we recommend

    that you eliminate from your reading list any articles or essays written

    by past or present employees of the Fed or perhaps even any major investment

    bank. I can already tell you that in each and every one of those the main

    explanation for the deteriorating economy and rising gold values is going

    to be related to the war on terror.

    Not one of them is likely to blame the

    government and bank's inflation policies for a declining return on financial

    assets (as in who do we blame for the bust side of any monetary boom),

    and now the waning confidence in the dollar. But they will be quick to

    list several problems in the economy today from bad loans to rising default

    rates to contracting expenditures by business as if they weren't just

    the symptoms of too much money in the 1st place.

    Simply making that connection should illuminate

    the real reason for rising gold prices today: investors are losing confidence

    in the management of the inflation agenda, or in other words, support

    for the dollar to date. And all of this began long before last September.

    Inflation expectations are ever-present,

    but the question is where will they show up next? Bankers and the government

    prefer them to show up in asset prices.

    Investors today need to determine how inflation

    is affecting the valuation process. They are challenged to do what every

    monetary historian knows they cannot do: predict how the inflation will

    manifest. It's manifesting in gold today for many reasons, but foremost

    is the loss of confidence in US dollar denominated assets, and the shrinking

    US dollar investment premium. All of which, in our view, were set into

    motion long before 9/11.

    [Inflationism] is, technically

    regarded, bad policy, because it is incapable of fully attaining its

    goal and because it leads to consequences that are not, or at least

    are not always, part of its aim. The favor it enjoys is due solely to

    the circumstance that it is a policy concerning whose aims and intentions

    public opinion can be longest deceived. Its popularity, in fact, is

    rooted in the difficulty of fully understanding its consequences - Ludwig

    von Mises, The Theory of Money and Credit, pp 251

    recent rise began in May 2001 just after the FOMC initially slashed borrowing
    rates to keep asset values from devaluation (we don't need to prove that
    they target asset prices; to believe they don't is preposterously naive)
    and the consumer from saving. The Dow had just dropped 1900 points or
    so and the US dollar was faking us out with a small topping pattern near
    prior highs.

    At the time, dollar bulls worked hard

    channeling participants' inflation expectations towards asset prices,

    for the dollar turned to make a marginal new high in July after the Dow

    recovered all of its prior losses.

    Yet gold prices, while correcting, did not fall to new lows as most every

    mainstream analyst expected. This we saw as bearish for the dollar.

    Since then, and for the past year in fact,

    we've been writing about the visible inverse relationship between gold

    (including gold shares) and dollar assets.

    Now as the more conspicuous drumbeat of

    global wars and conflicts rises, mainstreet is suddenly flooded with geniuses

    claiming to have epiphanies about the nature of the rise in gold this

    year, that it must have been discounting war and fear all along, and suggesting

    that it is temporary because it is

    only driven by exogenous, unpredictable events. What can we say about

    that except that the same analysts that couldn't see it coming now say

    they've figured out why it's here, and why it will end.

    Anyway, we'll leave you with a highly controversial

    thought to which I don't know the answer. Why is the terrorism

    a convenient scapegoat?

    Ed Bugos

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