My youngest son was about 31/2 years old, and I took him to see...

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    My youngest son was about 31/2 years old, and I took him to see Santa at our local shopping centre after taking his siblings to school. Well, it was love at first sight for him. He never stopped talking about him all the way home and begged me to take him the next day to see him again. Santa greeted him by name and made him feel very special. Got to the stage where he was now escorting the other children to talk to " his Santa ". The most wonderful, kind and generous soul who made Christmas a magical experience for him. Well Christmas came and went, and the shops reopened. He insisted on going to see Santa and thank him for all his presents. I tried explaining that he wouldn't be there to no avail. There were some temporary screens where Santa had his setting. Well my sons voice could be heard through out the centre shouting for Santa. Before I knew what was happening he knocked the screens over, by this stage absolutely hysterical, and he wouldn't calm down. All the store owners knew him as Santa's helper, one came over with a bag of lollies, another with ice cream. He wasn't interested. Then an elderly gentleman appeared and addressed him by name, and sat down and started talking to him. The transformation was miraculous, no more hysterics, and I had my "son" back. Who ever it was that went and found Santa, I will forever be grateful. We used to see the elderly gentleman frequently at the centre and he always took the time to greet my son, and have a little chat, and then he wasn't there anymore. The following Christmas, a new Santa was there, and my son wouldn't have anything to do with him, because he wasn't the "real Santa", but just a helper.
    The kindness that individual bestowed on a little boy, and made Christmas a truly magical experience was the best gift you could wish for. Thanks Santa.
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