My youngest son was about 31/2 years old, and I took him to see...

  1. 12,085 Posts.
    My youngest son was about 31/2 years old, and I took him to see Santa at our local shopping centre after taking his siblings to school. Well, it was love at first sight for him. He never stopped talking about him all the way home and begged me to take him the next day to see him again.

    Well G6...I can't say my children share your son's a long shot! Ours freaked out so we never attempted a photo with Santa and to this day...though while they're ok with going past Santa...with one eye on him...they are terrified of dress ups and we have to take a WIDE berth of them. I recall last year I was at Bunnings and there was the Easter trip was cut drastically short. Went to Masters next door and the same damn Got to the shops and another damn bunny on the loose. Seriously...these costumed beings aren't doing me any favours and if I ever win a trip to Disney Land the kids are staying at home.

    milo...I agree that a great Xmas doesn't have to mean extravagance. I give my nieces money and this year our kids will get money as well. My wife says but then there will be no presents under the tree...and I said there will but it won't be a massive box of useless repetitive toys. Seriously...their school asked for toys for a stall and the toy box is still crammed with stuff that hasn't seen the light of day for years...literally. I didn't get around to sorting the toys but the wife was too soft...yes...blame the wife for my ineptness...

    We go to my sister's...after all...she has a pool and I enjoy the outing. And we always enjoy visiting her family most weekends . Then we do Maxine's lot on Boxing Day. Personally...I don't look forward to Xmas. I believe it's an over rated period. The end of year is a good time for reflection but maybe people should focus on what they don't do the other 364 days of the year. Too much emphasise on one day and there is always too much food...though I don't begrudge the leftovers.

    It can be a lonely period as everyone thinks they missing out on something grand others have. But what everybody longs can't be bought. Maybe everyone wishes it was Xmas every day with people showing the caring on a daily basis.
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