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XTV Update, page-197

  1. 3,127 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 919
    Prior to this, Joe has been suing Activision Blizzard AND Electronic Arts for patent violations of some old patents that he grabbed on the cheap from Boeing. 5 days later, he filed the lawsuits. This involves some of their very popular games.

    Joe actually has a side company that does nothing as far as I can see, except act as a patent troll. Now Activision has had a look at what Joe does in his other company (xTV) and are taking him on. Suing for treble damages claiming the xTV Now device violates their patent. Too bad for Activision though since earning from xTV Now have been very negligible.

    AND an update from earlier this month :

    An how do I know that Acceleration Bay IS Joe Ward? Here is the Acceleration Bay website :

    And a quote found on the site :
    Also, the phone # on the Acceleration Bay's website belongs to (or belonged to) Joe Ward at xTV (+1 650 200 0563).
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