1. 632 Posts.


    Doesn't Halacha care about abused children? - I was told that if a person over 12 is abused by an adult they can not be publicized as an abuser in the Jewish community unless there is another witness. Why is that? what if the abuser is abusing other children? Doesn't the halacha care about those other people being abused?

    How does one honor a father who allowed sexual abuse? - How does one "honor" a father who knew that his brother-in-law sexually abused you for many years and did nothing to stop it?

    Incest and Gods justice/forgiveness. - My father is a religious man. He attends synagogue every Fri. night and Saturday. Lights candles, reads torah, but is also a man who is a pedophile. He sexually abused me nightly for eight years. I've had to work through my anger and pain on my dollar, and without any assistance from him. He denies his actions and will not speak of it. Every Rosh Hashana he calls and begs me to go to synagogue with him. I will not. My question is.. If there is a god, will he/she/? forgive him?? And how do I forgive god for bringing me into this horrifying experience of childhood. Am I supposed to believe that everything has its reason?

    Pedophilia and the Orthodox community. - Why has the frum community never done anything about pedophilia?

    Recovering from sexual abuse. - I am 13 years old and attend a Jewish Day school. A few years ago I was sexually abused by a man at a local community center. I have suffered much pain because of this and i have never forgotten one aspect of the time it happened to me. I sometimes feel that I am the one to blame. I don't know what to do about this. Can you give me some good advice so that my hurt goes away?

    Should I sit shiva for abusive parents (who are still alive)? - After over 20 years of silence I told my mother of the sexual abuse my father forced upon me as a teenager. They are not Jewish (I converted to Judaism 3 years ago). They have now completely rejected me and don't believe me and never want to see me again. I have considered shiva, is this wrong for me to consider my parents dead after all the pain I have endured these past years? After speaking up I feel as if a weight has been lifted, but have also considered changing my name too. What should I do?
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