Yanks...Moon...Conspiricy Theory..., page-20

  1. 254 Posts.
    the doco claimed that the astronaughs merely circled the moon while the filming and broadcasting was done at area 51.

    the consipiracy sounds like rubbish, but believe me if you saw the doco, NASA has a lot to answer for as the points they raised all seemed reasonable but NASA just dismissed them and didnt respond.

    Im waiting for the japanese program to see if they can find any of the discarded US machinery.

    It would be worth contacting 10 if your really interested as it was a great program

    To the poster above are you thinking of "CAPRICORN 1" the movie made in 1971 that claimed if US could send a man to the moon it could fake it?

    In that movie they faked a mars landing and it was remakebly similar to all of the moon landing.

    I dont believe the conspiracy, but i also dont believe the whole moon thing as to how its been presented. especiall regarding the photos.

    They even showed a doubling of video speed and the astronaughts looked like the were on earth......

    Day one and Day two
    had identical back grounds when superimposed but they were meant to be miles apart. just differing was the astronaughts movements


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