That's as simply superficial, and ressultingly utterly incorrect...

  1. 627 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    That's as simply superficial, and ressultingly utterly incorrect as Reaper's justifications.

    One thing Australians had, and still have, (to both our detriment and benefit) is a somewhat over-inflated sense of moral right and an esoteric set of ethical values. It's most common representations being our tendency toward tall-poppy syndrome and our almost unthinking willingness to get in and help out a battler.

    Re: your example WW1, There was no conscription for Aus in WW1, it was a sacrifice for loyalty, democracy, humanitarianism (in those times we were progressives) that our young men VOLUNTEERED for.

    Thankyou ANZACs for giving Yassmin the rights as new Aussie to be a twat without fear.
    And thankyou that I have the right to tell her so, but not harm her.

    Thank you also to all those living who have suffered via family or by serving themselves, through all the wars Just and Injust that our politicians have espoused, on our behalf.
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