yep, here we go again - blame us, why not?

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    Israel Blamed For Beslan School Attack, by Jack de Lowe

    As part of an article in today's China Post, an Islamic scholar in Bahrain has blamed the bloody attack on the Beslan school in southern Russia on Israel.

    It seems that one can say anything one wants and afterwards simply "deny, deny, deny" (originated by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and the latest and most famous example thereof is President Clinton to Monica Lewinsky). This kind of outrageous lie reminds me of the claim made that Israelis employed at the WTC were pre-warned about the pending bombing and therefore avoided being killed.

    This is just another way of deflecting the truth from where it should stand. And that truth is that almost all of the terror in the world today is of Muslim origin. Until we are prepared to fully face this reality and deal with it, we will continue to again and again be struck by it. The way one kills a snake is not to negotiate with it, but to cut off its head.

    I'm sorry folks if this is not pretty, but that is the reality.

    Quotation from China Post:

    Ali Abdullah, an Islamic scholar in Bahrain who follows the ultraconservative Salafi stream of Islam, condemned the school attack as "un-Islamic," but insisted Muslims weren't behind it. "I have no doubt in my mind that this is the work of the Israelis who want to tarnish the image of Muslims and are working alongside Russians who have their own agenda against the Muslims in Chechnya," said Abdullah, reviving an old conspiracy theory altered to fit any situation.

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