Am I the only person who is worried that many people including...

  1. 282 Posts.
    Am I the only person who is worried that many people including some so-called experts are calling Australias latest GDP numbers great with some even stating the tide is turning & we have escaped recession ?
    Australias top ten trading partners which includes the worlds 4 biggest economies have one thing in common with Australia, we are ALL running on monopoly money, money created out of thin air.
    Of course these numbers could have been worse, much worse but when you consider that these numbers have been manipulated to show things as good as believably possible (as all Gov figures are) together with all the assistance that each countrys stimulus packages have provided in creating these numbers proves things are far short of where some would like us to think we are.
    I just hope that those less experienced don't get caught up in others euphoria & take this as an all's well with the worlds economy, I honestly doubt we nhave eeven seen the bottom yet, there are still millions of mortgages to become reset, let alone the trillions of dollars that have to be forgiven or written & then you have the flow on effects of bankruptcies such as GM with others surely to follow, the debts taken on by Governments on behalf of the people who will undoubtedly only get cents back on their dollars, the world NOT being able to sustain the supply of fossil fuels demanded by the world which will definitely mean only the wealthier nations will be able to afford it, things even down to the looming fresh water shortages, there must be another 100 things that have to be dealt with including the realisation of us adopting a different lifestyle & unwanted acknowledgment we have real global problems that desperately need our attention & action before things will even resemble what we had become accustomed to. Naturally there are opportunities to make substantial rewarding investments however all the money in the world won't do any good unless we achieve some very real agreements & assurances on a global scale otherwise all hell will break loose, we MUST deal with issues NOW not keep putting them off & lying to all trying to insist all is ok - it's far from it.
    Anyway my best thoughts & wishes go to you & yours
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