OR we get the people already on the payroll (NIAA, INdig affairs...

  1. 399 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 71
    OR we get the people already on the payroll (NIAA, INdig affairs ministers, these so called MPs that only ignore the requests of first nations people) to do their job and save millions/billions

    The people trumping the "the voice is just a modest change to ensure we listen to aboriginals" are missing the point that all of the "modest change eg listening to what people want" can be done right now, without the need for a referendum and an enshrined voice that will last forever even if it turns out to be terrible. Then other campaigners are saying it doesnt go far enough and they want exclusive access to beaches/ royalties etc and the voice can be ignored too easily.

    We should be pressing people to do their jobs now, not creating more jobs that by their own design can be ignored.

    Also, lets just say this voice is the sunshine and rainbow that it has been pumped up to be, the "gap" is magically closed in 20 years, now what is the voice doing?

    Division along racial lines has never been a good policy. look at history
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