gz , snooker, snooker GZ The "layering" of religious sites over...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    gz , snooker, snooker GZ The "layering" of religious sites over the centuries IS a problem, I concede- but it shouldnt be!!
    Christians, Jews, Muslims really worship the same God.
    So why cant they SHARE these holy places?
    A bit utopian and simplistic, isnt it?

    GZ, sharing would be ideal.

    However Jews are not allowed to go to the Temple Mount because "we will upset the Mulsims" who do not believe that Jews and Infidels are allowed to desecrate the holy grounds of their Dome of the Rock, not withstanding that it was built right on top of the temple....the Jewish temple....hence it's name ...the Temple Mount.

    Israelis allow Israeli Muslims/Christians to visit any Jewish site they wish to. Tourists who are Islamic or Christian may visit any site they like as well.

    Palestinians are barred, not because of their religion, but because they may be security risks.

    Jews are not allowed to visit the holy sites in Mecca and Medina and neither are gentiles.

    So when we talk about sharing, I'm all for that.

    But someone has to be the custodian to make sure that sites are not desecrated....and that there is religious fredom of movement.

    The Arabs have displayed their unsuitability, whereas the Jews respect all sites, even to the point that they do not permit fellow Jews to the Dome of the Rock or the temple Mount in case ot might upset Muslim sensibilities.

    Go to Esat Jeruslem for example. The Jordanians used Jewish headstones many many hundreds of years old....for road paving.....!! One can read them on the streets......today still...on the roads, for crying out loud.

    Just not so long ago the world witnessed the destruction of Josephs Tomb, the moment the Palestinians got in control.....I guess we have to grin and bear it......??

    Look at what goes on in India and Pakistan....Hindus burning Mosques.....Muslim burning temples.....

    Never hear of Jews playing that game do we?

    Bottom line....Yes......... share......make accessable, whatever.....but it will be policed by Jews.

    Even here, whenever there is a hiccup in the Middle East....synagogues get vandalized......even last week a church was vandalized by elements of the Peace marchers .........of all people.

    Their excuse.....They mistook it for a synagogue.

    We respect religious values, no matter whose.

    If we did not, the Israelis would have barged into the Church of Nativity and grabbed the thugs holed up inside.......willy nilly!

    OK....enough said...........I understand where you are coming from and I hope you can see it from our perspective at well.

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