NDO 0.00% 86.0¢ nido education limited

ygl farmin for those interested ...

  1. 79 Posts.

    Warm greetings to all.
    : )
    For those interested, a few thoughts.
    To be straight to the point & very blunt ... for those upset and/or disappointed by this unexpected development - cop it on the chin, be objective & assess all direct & indirect implications to this farm-in agreement before allowing emotions to influence any decisions ...
    Apart from lost personal opportunity, (we've all had plenty of those), I see not too many negatives here.

    Very simply, the three big questions;
    #1 - Is this good for NDO?
    #2 - Is this good for YGL?
    #3 - Was this transaction an insiders play reeking with layers of self-interest(s)?
    : )

    #1 - Is this good for NDO?
    It is a commercial farmin which, excluding the presence of a major, the actual terms of is more attractive than what any realistic upper-case farmin assumption(s) should have been for the SC54.
    Nine months ago there was no SC54 (remember that). The current market capitalisation only reflects discounted values of forward earnings from the Galoc field (if successfully developed within projected production & economic models). This capitalisation is excluding enterprise values via SC54, West Linapacan, other structures applicable to the R.O.D. strategy, North Sea (Virgo-AIM), Area 1 (co-operative with a national oil company) & Cool Energy.
    This farmin, for the first time, allows the market tangible, intrinsic, speculative & enterprise values to be identified & applied to SC54.

    #2 - Is this good for YGL?
    A former shell with questionable direction, mediocre assets & the only thing going for it being a (then) semi-attractive capital structure has now overnight officially received the key to a serious 'Blue-Sky' door.
    Anyone that doubts that statement needs to understand that Coron Nth up to the mid-nineties was touted as a 500-800mmbl+ structure before being downgraded to a more 'realistic/conservative' 100mmbl+ structure.
    It is therefore possible that P10 estimates for Coron Nth after advanced technical/seismic maturation could be in the vicinity of 250-500mmbls+.
    Obviously 40% equity in a structure like the Coron Nth for a sub AU$80m company is serious blue-sky potential without extrapolating values to a dozen other structures or the 1.33 million other acres in the SC54 after a seismic program.

    Understand that a business plan can be like poker, one never shows nor plays their best cards first ...

    #3 - In my opinion, was this transaction an insiders play reeking with layers of self-interest(s)?
    Let's be honest, this isn't a coincidental fortuitous happenstance event, this is an integral level in a master strategy. Only stubbornness & a little bit of corporate law would/could deny that.
    YGL's lollipop placement volume & price coupled with the last six weeks of obvious insider accumulation (second tier circle) shrouded & justified by a 'drilling program' & 'results' relating to an inconsequential New Bulong retrospectively keys in the jigsaw all the way back to the AGM motions carried.
    For many of us, the Petroleum Ventures & Nefco Nominees positions on the register was a flag but a shadow entry at 2 & 3 times their entry price without knowing the game-plan or an inability to identify intrinsic company values presented unacceptable risk for anything other than a blind punt. ie-if the game plan is a pump, you become part of the game plan & pay hard & high for your share as the players dump ...
    I considered a Coron North farmin a variable as I did CVN at the time but applied very low probability due to an inability for them to mask blatant self-interest profiteering, I was wrong, grossly.
    This has been a perfectly executed strategy with CVN being the vital smoke & mirror to mask the real game in play, quite brilliant actually.
    I can't help but smile at the brazenness of this YGL play, their first 5-8 multiples more or less risk free!
    I like CVN, I think that we will see their own business plan successfully come to play in due time, I have no doubt that they will benefit from the collective abilities of the P.V. group & NDO staff but do think that they may be unrelated/removed from the SC54/Filipino jigsaw, time will tell.

    The market has never been a level playing field, it never will be, as junior retail, one has to accept that.
    We all vary in skills/expertise/experience/knowledge, contacts/relationships, resources, strategies, desires, risk profiles & perspectives but essentially we are here to turn a profit.
    Petroleum Ventures has simply pooled theirs to achieve maximum personal returns, (simply on a more audacious & grander scale than what is conventional).

    As a parallel, the recent NXS.ASX take-over offer by AZA.ASX is a valid example.
    This is sophisticated corporate architecture at it's finest ... At the least, NXS has now experienced accelerated market capitalisation & full market & media awareness to rekindle & maintain market affections on what is a very high-risk asset base if it fails & a 'fairer' price for stake-holders if successful in turn creating a new entity with existing reserves, production, cash flows, high-impact semi-matured asset base with very balanced & sizable exploration acreage nudging the top of the mid-tiers' capitalisation & potential wise.
    If that occurred then probably eighteen months down the track, lo & behold, BPT & AZA crop up again in a $1.5B consolidation creating even more trading opportunities, fees, profits & recognition for the house & sophisticated elite of Euroz.
    : )

    Self interest - strategies & profits to serve that interest is what it all boils down to whichever entities are involved.
    Initially I was very surprised, I personally was expecting a major the likes of Shell, BP, Schlumberger, (etc) even CNOOC but after strong considerations & allowing things to settle a little, I see this as an extreme positive, the doorway for a major after all is still open.
    They have had ample enough time for advanced geotechnical evaluations & if they (PV) decided that they wanted a bigger slice of the SC54 pie & the farmin is & remains highly competitively advantageous to NDO & if market forces accept it & support them to follow through with this then so be it ... good on them - I will regroup & make what profits I can from this.
    P.V. are a collection of highly competent, independently successful individuals that have thus far achieved quite remarkable progress, why would one doubt their abilities or their strategies now.
    I also wouldn't doubt the preparation taken for this event by key players & offshore interests so I wouldn't be surprised to see YGL re-rated very aggressively with placements maybe at 12c & 18c to fund these conditions but whatever occurs, YGL is no longer the company she was.
    Both companies have equity positions that allow further farm-down but simply NDO currently get's her (60% equity) high impact exploration well & SC54 seismic program for approximately AU$7.5M & a moderate to high probability exists of attracting a second farminee to reduce down to a free-carried 40-45% interest ... that's a pretty damn good result.
    I think with this as the catalyst, we may see the NDO cap finally taken off for strategic reasons & 22-25c over the next month or so possible with YGL trading initially like a NDO derivative.

    A little rough with this one but hey, caught a lot of us unawares & not without reason.
    Anyway, whatever occurs, it's certainly going to be an interesting couple of weeks!
    : )

    Warm regards to all & best of luck in any & all positions.
    : )

    N.B.- Disclosure & sentiment covered in the above.

    P.S. - There are a few individuals here that I would take as genuine if claimed a position taken via prudent independent speculative assumptions but with all due respect CS, you're not one of them!
    : )
    You had & have sophisticated assistance all the way there mate, don't claim otherwise.
    Good luck & enjoy the coming profits ...

    NDO net positions 26/12/05-20/03/06 (minus three day lag).

    Security: NDO.ASX Sec Type: Frequency: weekly Start Date: 26-Dec-2005 View: BUY & SELL
    Broker: N/A Index: Tr Type: Total End Date: 20-Mar-2006Broker TotVal NetVal NetVol #Buys BuyQuan BuyPrice #Sells SellQuan SellPrice #Trades Traded%
    Total 49724267.53 0 0 2337 151151833 16.4485 2337 151151833 16.4485 4674 100
    Southern Cross 6600144.225 1220276.415 8744279 231 24363638 16.0494 132 15619359 17.2218 363 13.2735
    ASX Anonymous 6171937.72 -0 0 178 19082389 16.1718 178 19082389 16.1718 356 12.4123
    Commonwealth 5634858.32 59147.34 469216 467 17423361 16.3401 409 16954145 16.4435 876 11.3322
    Patersons 4906983.22 -1038251.39 -6439214 171 11614001 16.6555 233 18053215 16.4659 404 9.8684
    E-Trade 3579968.765 -12719.515 -92708 218 10856857 16.4286 211 10949565 16.4056 429 7.1996
    JPMorgan 3407788.665 3396302.565 20325989 220 20364276 16.7059 1 38287 15 221 6.8534
    Carmichael 2530712.895 -1328592.275 -8091789 54 3734143 16.0963 167 11825932 16.3171 221 5.0895
    Westpac 1726247.27 -369988.43 -2368638 82 4117773 16.4684 120 6486411 16.1587 202 3.4716
    Bell Potter 1719167.38 -1655607.38 -10077533 6 192000 16.5521 109 10269533 16.431 115 3.4574
    ABN Amro Morgan 1392960.75 770119.25 4604455 97 6389000 16.9282 35 1784545 17.451 132 2.8014
    Hogan 1189749.495 -31451.955 -200000 59 3496000 16.566 71 3696000 16.5206 130 2.3927
    Hartleys 1186227.86 -714185.86 -4487050 24 1413800 16.6941 60 5900850 16.1029 84 2.3856
    AIEX 1101139.005 -249801.105 -1556560 68 2589040 16.4412 91 4145600 16.2937 159 2.2145
    State One Stock 1000603.15 -1375.11 -36250 82 2831561 17.6445 104 2867811 17.4694 186 2.0123
    UBS 629481.405 174881.405 751000 26 2256000 17.8272 17 1505000 15.103 43 1.2659
    Montagu 617855.485 -69320.175 -448893 33 1658107 16.541 35 2107000 16.307 68 1.2426
    HSBC 579887.82 98236.18 588841 34 2032800 16.6796 35 1443959 16.6782 69 1.1662
    Credit Suisse 563613.39 306766.67 1842377 32 2644398 16.4571 5 802021 16.0125 37 1.1335
    Macquarie Retai 557140 10240 -56500 24 1635000 17.3511 31 1691500 16.1661 55 1.1205
    Tolhurst-Noall 510051.865 -306228.135 -1909071 7 604929 16.8469 33 2514000 16.2347 40 1.0258
    BBY 446218.3 -133878.3 -860667 15 1001000 15.6014 23 1861667 15.58 38 0.8974
    JDV 437779.675 -344219.855 -2072733 12 282823 16.5403 49 2355556 16.599 61 0.8804
    Ord Minnett 328431.225 -241370.775 -1378100 7 271100 16.0569 28 1649200 17.2751 35 0.6605
    Shaw 307375 -157375 -975000 13 425000 17.6471 18 1400000 16.5982 31 0.6182
    Morgan Stanley 274525.85 200897.89 1224131 35 1458056 16.3033 9 233925 15.7375 44 0.5521
    GSJBWere 251397.42 51622.42 301962 22 924462 16.389 11 622500 16.0462 33 0.5056
    Austock 247500 247500 1650000 19 1650000 15 0 0 0 19 0.4977
    Macquarie Insto 233388.59 23824.75 101450 8 812587 15.8268 8 711137 14.7344 16 0.4694
    Citigroup Wealt 195080.045 -64460.045 -410000 9 380000 17.1868 19 790000 16.4266 28 0.3923
    Euroz 184975 52025 297500 10 702500 16.8683 9 405000 16.4136 19 0.372
    Kirke 177500 177500 1000000 5 1000000 17.75 0 0 0 5 0.357
    CameronSec 171147.82 1132.18 0 7 536000 16.0709 13 536000 15.8597 20 0.3442
    Avcol 139299.15 -24855.15 -205201 10 325400 17.5851 13 530601 15.4687 23 0.2801
    Citigroup 110000 110000 700000 8 700000 15.7143 0 0 0 8 0.2212
    RBC Securities 90000 -90000 -500000 0 0 0 2 500000 18 2 0.181
    Morrison 83750 -83750 -520000 0 0 0 12 520000 16.1058 12 0.1684
    Opes Prime 67000 3000 0 4 200000 17.5 3 200000 16 7 0.1347
    Baillieu 59030 -17690 -90200 3 137800 15 6 228000 16.8246 9 0.1187
    Andrew West 58605.635 -53245.635 -357874 2 16000 16.75 6 373874 14.9584 8 0.1179
    Wilson 50023.9 -8150 -35000 4 130354 16.0616 7 165354 17.5907 11 0.1006
    UBS Private 49300 49300 290000 2 290000 17 0 0 0 2 0.0991
    IMC Pacific 40000.41 -455.15 0 10 120678 16.3846 8 120678 16.7618 18 0.0804
    Intersuisse 27000 27000 170000 4 170000 15.8824 0 0 0 4 0.0543
    ABN AMRO 19910 6410 41500 8 79000 16.6582 6 37500 18 14 0.04
    F.W Holst 19800.825 12199.175 78281 1 100000 16 2 21719 17.5 3 0.0398
    Shadforth 11810 3190 23000 1 50000 15 2 27000 15.963 3 0.0238
    Tricom Equities 9550 -9550 -55000 0 0 0 2 55000 17.3636 2 0.0192
    Bridges 9250 9250 50000 1 50000 18.5 0 0 0 1 0.0186
    Taylor 6600 -6600 -40000 0 0 0 1 40000 16.5 1 0.0133
    Merrill Lynch 4600 -4600 -30000 0 0 0 3 30000 15.3333 3 0.0093
    Findlay 3500 3500 20000 2 20000 17.5 0 0 0 2 0.007
    Baker-Young 3400 3400 20000 2 20000 17 0 0 0 2 0.0068

    YGL net positions 26/12/05-20/03/06 (minus three day lag).

    Security: YGL.ASX Sec Type: Frequency: weekly Start Date: 26-Dec-2005 View: BUY & SELL
    Broker: N/A Index: Tr Type: Total End Date: 20-Mar-2006 Broker TotVal NetVal NetVol #Buys BuyQuan BuyPrice #Sells SellQuan SellPrice #Trades Traded%
    Patersons 588221.137 198073.787 3769100 63 7631203 5.1518 39 3862103 5.051 102 19.4035
    Montagu 45945.19 34145.19 700000 8 800000 5.0056 2 100000 5.9 10 1.5156
    Shaw 10800 10800 200000 2 200000 5.4 0 0 0 2 0.3563
    Commonwealth 111377.704 10659.026 181476 34 1164288 5.2408 28 982812 5.124 62 3.674
    AIEX 115411.575 11166.785 152264 22 1198080 5.2826 20 1045816 4.9839 42 3.807
    Ord Minnett 51600 6200 150000 4 550000 5.2545 3 400000 5.675 7 1.7021
    GSJBWere 16527.998 6527.998 136921 3 236921 4.8658 1 100000 5 4 0.5452
    Hogan 39810 3570 100000 6 430000 5.0442 4 330000 5.4909 10 1.3132
    CameronSec 5213.44 5186.56 99680 2 100000 5.2 1 320 4.2 3 0.172
    Carmichael 5085 3365 75000 3 95000 4.4474 1 20000 4.3 4 0.1677
    Bell Potter 168720 4780 20000 29 1575000 5.5079 12 1555000 5.2714 41 5.5655
    Total 3031525.388 0 0 383 27828433 5.4468 383 27828433 5.4468 766 100
    ASX Anonymous 911141.218 0 0 105 7266580 6.2694 105 7266580 6.2694 210 30.0555
    Macquarie Retai 9800 800 0 3 100000 5.3 3 100000 4.5 6 0.3233
    IMC Pacific 9534.465 -35.185 0 3 84815 5.6 2 84815 5.6415 5 0.3145
    Credit Suisse 11.48 -11.48 -280 0 0 0 1 280 4.1 1 0.0004
    HSBC 270 -270 -6000 0 0 0 1 6000 4.5 1 0.0089
    Westpac 25741.422 -2701.422 -28851 6 260000 4.4308 5 288851 4.9234 11 0.8491
    Avcol 5032.64 -5032.64 -96192 0 0 0 4 96192 5.2319 4 0.166
    State One Stock 15210.5 -15210.5 -280000 0 0 0 3 280000 5.4323 3 0.5017
    JDV 24626 -20544 -430000 2 41000 4.978 11 471000 4.7951 13 0.8123
    E-Trade 186719.307 -26347.307 -622259 24 1533250 5.2298 35 2155509 4.9424 59 6.1593
    ABN Amro Morgan 80945.666 -32872.806 -687218 8 482010 4.9867 12 1169228 4.8672 20 2.6701
    Andrew West 49056.405 -45056.405 -845000 1 40000 5 10 885000 5.3171 11 1.6182
    Tolhurst-Noall 402438.849 -75242.897 -1120710 47 3320286 4.9272 62 4440996 5.3781 109 13.2751
    Hartleys 152285.392 -71949.704 -1467931 8 720000 5.5789 18 2187931 5.1244 26 5.0234
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