YIPPEE, As Mr Kevin Rudd would say its all arty, barty,...

  1. 722 Posts.
    YIPPEE, As Mr Kevin Rudd would say its all arty, barty, bunken.(Our PM who doesnt know how to speak proper english)
    I think not Mr Kevin Rudd, all australian citizens have a brain to think with, and are going to vote you out.
    Australia is a democratic country, its not a controlled Mr Kevin Rudd democracy. No projects no money in the kitty, unemployment = depression, your 2% discount in business tax discount did you mention to the everyone your closing all the ligitimate areas a small business can claim on.
    "Good ridence to bad rubbish, a man who wants to destroy all our jobs""
    Anyway have a read of the following
    Saturday June 05 2010
    A new poll has found that if an election were held today Prime Minister Kevin Rudd would lose inhis own backyard.
    the Galaxy Poll, published in Brishbane courier Mail newpaper on Saturday says a backlash against Labors supermining tax in Mr Rudds home state could make him a one term prime minister.
    The poll says on the crucialtwo party preferred vote the poll has labor in queensland on 48 to the coalition 52percent
    Queensland delivered Mr Rudd victory in 2007 but is home to eight marginal Labor seats.
    Galaxy found the proposed super profits tax is opposed by a majority of Queenslanders.
    It also found 52% of those polled say he is more talk than action.

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