like your Western Australian dead-beat mate miles...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts. like your Western Australian dead-beat mate miles are also a cunning, lying dead-shit.

    Clearly your are a muslim....clearly you advocate the violence and terrorism that plagues the planet

    You are exactly the sort of muslim that every other human beiong on this planet hates and despises and really you need to be erased with all the rest of your vile, turban-headed islamic vermin.

    Practice your religion till the cows come home and do it however and wherever you want ...step outside your countries - export your lunacy and terror - and you should be annihilated.

    There....that feels better.

    Now on to your most recent set of lies and misinformation

    You blurted..."You can keep pointing at crimes and attrocities occurring elsewhere, but what started it all off - your lotArab terrorism against Israel existed prior to the establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948. "

    What a load of absolute Arab/Muslim guys must eat the stuff............

    Examples of Arab terrorism against Jews during the pre-State period include:

    Anti-Jewish Riots in 1920-21, which was characterized by the brutal murder in Jaffa of the prominent Jewish author Y. Brenner

    'Disturbances' of 1929, which included the massacre of the Jewish community in Hebron)

    The Arab Revolt of 1936-39

    On the eve of the UN Partition Resolution of November 1947, Arab terrorism against Jewish targets steadily rose until it led to the joint Arab invasion of 1948-9.

    At the end of the day, Israel has a right to exist - given to it by the UN - the very body you keep harking back to in you anti-western diatribe.

    And no matter how many of you and your fukc-wit mad mullahs preach otherwise....Israel will remain

    And if countries attempt to change that......they will meet the full force of the IDF.....and not this limited stuff we see in the Occupied Territories (ooops I meant land won in a war from the pathetic excuses for a military that Arabs make)

    A more useless set of pussies posing as an Armed Force doesnt exist anywhwere in the world

    Your lot.............something to be proud of....not
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