In the interests of I am not sure what. I'd like to pose a...

  1. 6,725 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    In the interests of I am not sure what. I'd like to pose a question or two to you guys.

    Suppose - The USA knew that Sadam was developing Weapons of mass destruction but to offer proof to the world would result in the loss of life of many opporatives and their families and could completely dismantle an elabortate inteligence gathering network that took 12 plus years to establish, would you offer it?

    The world has sat by and watch atrocities in Iraq for 30 years, and when he kicked weapons inspectors out the UN trade santions were applied, it appears these would have gone on for years, how long should we have given him?

    Do you think its ok to pay millions of dollars to the families of Suicide Bombers in Israel?

    No scuds were launched today Sadam already told the UN he had none. ( Also the media will report any thing flying in their direction a SCUD!)

    Hindsight will prove one side wrong I hope who ever it is has the guts to applogise to our Armed Forces.
    Ie for sending them there or for bunning their flag, uniform etc.

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