Yoo Hoo - Rabbitoh

  1. 5,748 Posts.

    I am convinced that in your youth, you must have been the local village idiot. It appears that now you have now graduated to being Hot Copper’s Idiot Emeritus.

    Doesn’t mean to say that you have come a long way.

    Your posts indicate that you know a lot about nothing and nothing about a lot.

    You are incapable of answering a direct question and when you attempt to, it becomes transparently clear that you are way out of your depth. In fact most comments directed to you simply go right over your head.

    But I will give you one more chance to prove that I may be wrong, so here goes. Try not to prattle.

    Last week you made the idiotic comment that the Torah demonizes Christians. Not withstanding that the Torah (Old Testament) preceded Christianity by some 2,000 years, you were asked to support your outrageous statement.

    Can you do and if so when will you?

    Simple enough question?

     Next question,….. You prattle on about the Israelis moving back to the 1967 borders and that they should get rid of the settlements.

    You have avoided the question put to you, that prior to 1967, the were no Israeli settlements in the disputed (you may call them occupied) territories, as the Israelis were within the pre-1967 borders that you would have them return to.

     As the Israelis were still being attacked in those days, what would you have done if you were in charge?

     Next question………..As the Arab charter and the Koran calls for the destruction of Israel as does the current Palestinian Charter, what logic is there is to make it easier for the Arabs by retreating to a border that is extremely difficult to defend, a border that was not acceptable to the Arabs prior to 1967 anyway?

     Next question…………In the north, on the Lebanese border, the Israelis have retreated to UN recognized national borders, yet attacks go on. Do you agree that the Hizbollah has the right to attack there, because of their claims;
    a) the Palestinian issue and
    b) they do not recognize the UN surveyed and internationally approved border.

     Next question…………..How many times are the Arab countries allowed to attack Israel without severe penalties such as loss of territory or restriction of movement? So far there have been 5 wars imposed on Israel, every war was won by Israel, yet there is an expectation that everything goes back to point A as if no hostilities had occurred.

     Do you believe that makes sense? Can you name me any other country in the world which has given anything back after it has won imposed war?

     Do you believe a country has the right to defend itself and then impose conditions that will make despots think twice, maybe ten times before they consider attacking again as the pain and damage of doing so will be more than they can bare?

    Not withstanding the fact that you are an atheist, for one moment if you were to put on the hat of an Old Testament believer, and accepting that both the Arabs and Jews believe in the Old Testament, by what right do the Muslims stake a claim to any part of Israel which incidentally includes the current disputed territories? The Old Testament clearly spells out the geographical borders of the Land promised by God (Allah) to the Jews.

    The Dead Sea scrolls clearly show that the Old Testament was consistent for thousands of years before Islam was even invented.

     Do you believe that in the situation above albeit that you are an atheist, the Arabs are entitled to “their cake and eat it” doctrine? (still wearing the “believers hat”)

    If you are able to answer my questions sequentially, please do so.

    Otherwise don’t bother.

    From my perspective you can remain the resident village Idiot of Hot Copper

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