WCL 0.00% 39.5¢ westside corporation limited

you beauty - new gas agreement glng, page-80

  1. 1,504 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    Looks like we have more info today on the selling price.

    A couple weeks ago Ya wrote (thanks to Ya):

    "60TJ/day for a 365 day production at 90% uptime gives them 19.8 PJ/yr of sales gas.

    At $8/GJ this generates revenue of $160mil which then gets split into WCL's net share of 51% ($81.6mil net/yr).

    Last 3.5 yrs gas sales were 6.563 PJ which generated $22.61 mil in revenue (avg price $3.44/GJ).

    So its a big jump for WCL, hope the mkt appreciates these new numbers."


    From today's letter, we now know that 40TJ/day would generate $60M to WCL and $120M revenue total. One can project that 60 TJ/day would generate $180mil revenue which looks to be around $8.5/GJ. This is excellent if true.

    Can somebody check my calcs?

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