You keep taking steps back.. first you backed down on the guy...

  1. 1,369 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 55
    You keep taking steps back.. first you backed down on the guy who doesn't exist, now backing down on your claim of Nobel laureate, and now backing down from even paying attention to the author as we should just trust the message?

    There's no proof he is a candidate. He's published 25 peer-reviewed articles in 26 years, and his research is pushing his 'primordial' therapies involving algae.

    I'd love to discuss the message rather than the messenger, but your first messenger literally doesn't even exist. And your second hasn't shown any proof he is qualified to have input. Why would you take advice from a guy who is just pushing his alternative therapy algae treatments?

    Also, he isn't even the lead author, there are 22 authors on the paper. The lead author is Pieter Borger, who also wrote a paper last year stating the COVID-19 is just a weaker SARS:
    "There is a straightforward English wisdom: "When it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, flies like a duck.. it most probably is a duck!” In other words, it is almost certain that Covid-19 is SARS. We are dealing with a new-but weakened-SARS-outbreak! We can only call ourselves fortunate that SARS-CoV2 virus is less mortal that the strain of 2003."

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