AAM 9.30% 3.9¢ aumega metals ltd

you wont get any cheaper???, page-9

  1. 3,666 Posts.
    I don't necessarily disagree Buffett,

    But a breakdown of the salary package you posted reveals the MD's salary, including super and "other" to be $233,463".

    The other 200K is the fair value of options (which are at the moment out of the money), which are valued using one of the standard option valuation tools.

    So that 200K 'fair value' of the options portion of the package only has value if the price get to 20 cents.

    If the price were 20 cents at the moment, no one would be complaining.

    As I say, I don't disagree in principle. But just so we all know what the out of pocket expenses for the company actually are.

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