- young Muslims fight IS on social media -, page-17

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 94

    My sister has lived in London for 40+ years. In that 40 years the "peaceful" Muslims have taken over vast areas of London and a lot of the rest of England. There are whole suburbs of London which are completely dominated by Muslims. No english street signs. No English schools, no cops. Women only wear burkas.
    These peaceful Muslims are fighting the same war against us as the terrorist, but on a different front. Do you think the poms when they let these peaceful Muslims into England had any idea that in 50 years there would be parts of England that were in all but in name Islamic states?

    My little buddy Kay Elson went on a parliamentary fact finding mission to Belgium. She was shocked at the cancer called Islam that was creeping through the body and soul of Belgium. Again whole towns and suburbs that were Muslim only. The Belgium police would not go there. Is that what you want in Australia?

    These peaceful Muslims will not assimilate into Australian society unless the denounce Islam. And that is not going to happen is it Dub???
    I have lived in the Logan area for almost 30 years. In that time a couple of mosques have been built, a Muslin high school and other schools a Muslim bookshop, halal butchers, prayer centers etc. Lots of the local Muslim women shop at the Underwood shopping centre where they can buy their burkas. Yes Dub, a lot of these guys are nice peaceful Muslims, but that whole area is slowly changing, not into a suburb of Logan or Brisbane but into little Islam. Peaceful very peaceful. Give it another 30 years and my granddaughter will not be able to go there without wearing a burka.
    Get on a plane fly to London, get on a bus and look around London. Check out how much of it looks more like Tangiers than "forever England".
    I do not hate them and I am not a bigot. But I do demand reciprocity. They can live here like us, but they can not change us into them.
    And this is where we are going wrong. Being a Muslim is a way of life. They will never accept our way of life. 20, 30, 60 years we will all be wondering what happened to the Australian way of life? Go to London. Go to Belgium. Open your eyes and look around. Is that what you want to happen to Australia, peace by peace? Piece by piece.
    I think more mosques have been built in Logan in the last few years than churches in the whole of the Islamic world? Why is that Dub? Would that be because these peaceful Muslims are hateful bigots?? Demanding their rights but ignoring ours?
    Last edited by Kaunas: 22/09/14
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