- young Muslims fight IS on social media -, page-27

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    Iron mike, it's ironic that u use the sweet little Singaporean Muslim lady as an example. Firstly nearly all Muslims in Singapore are sth East Asians and have a lot if similarities in their culture. And yes we can all identify a sweet Muslim and use them as a defence for why this religion is harshly treated. However, it is quite ironic u use a Singaporean as an example and considering the Muslims in Singapore share a lot of cultural beliefs with fellow non Muslims, here is a quote from the founding PM of Singapore. Mr Lee Kuantan Yew- "I would say today, we can integrate all religions except for Islam. I think we were progressing very nicely until the surge of Islam and if you asked me for my observations, the other communities have easier integration - friends, intermarriage a and so on ..." So how is it that Moslems who come from a completely different part of the world to us are going to integrate any better than those in Singapore? I would argue that Mislims from the Middle East would have much much more trouble integrating into our society then South East Asian was comes in Singapore. Should we not heed the advice from other political leaders who have tried this experiment before us? Are we begets for expressing our obvious concerns when clearly all of the evidence throughout the world shows this religion is a cancer in the side of multiculturalism. But u are correct. We are fed up coz as a tolerant nation we are expected to tolerate not only the intolerant but also the intolerant who want to harm us for our tolerance.
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