- young Muslims fight IS on social media -, page-81

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    "Well I see the right wing fascists are in full swing on this blog again. It seems HC has given this blog over to the Anti Muslim brigade who are ramping up fear in the community. It happened in Germany and other countries as well just before the WW11 and during."
    "Right wing fascists", give it a rest....you don't have a clue what you are talking about and are just throwing out names....

    As for "anti muslim brigade", so what?? I am happy for you to be in the "pro muslim brigade" if you so wish, as long as you afford me and others the same right.
    Fear is in itself neither good nor bad, there are many situations worth fearing ie snakebite, car accidents, sharia law etc

    "You people are just doing the work for the Australian government who can now push through their Terror Laws and now Torture laws, which incidentally can be used against anyone who the police even suspect of some form of terrorism."

    We already have secret arrests, secret trials etc. Not a good thing but is a direct result of decades of muslim immigration. That is something to be severely looked at post haste, but till then we need security force to protect us from our migrants.

    "Not only that you are helping this government rationalise another war in the ME for Australia, a war which has as its priority to attack and overthrow the Syrian government."
    I agree with you there, and definitely am opposed to that. The US govcorp is owned by Israel and as a wholly owned subsidiary we are too. The Syrian war is just another war for Israel, just like Iraq was and Iran is planned to be. Just shows who runs the US and by extension us.
    "Wake up people this sort of tactic of spreading fear in the community has always been used by the far right political parties and Abbott is far right. They are using fear to control the community and push through laws they couldn't get through unless there is a lot of fear in the community."

    No need to cast any anti muslim sentiment as "far right", that's just simply trying to deligitimize a valid point of view. Being anti muslim is a perfectly reasonable point of view to hold, there's nothing extreme about it, except in the minds of the PC afflicted.

    "You people sewing all this fear are just being used by this government and you follow willingly.
    John Howard calling the WMD intel false should be enough of a warning not to listen to this sort of fear campaign."
    I never believed John Howard's WMD claim at the time, it was just a political expedient=lie(same as GWB, Tony Bliar etc) to manufacture consent for their war for their masters. Lib/lab, it makes no difference though, they will do what they are told, like Tony reading his prepared speech against Putin after the downing of MH17.

    "Now I expect all the fear rampers to come on and post personally insulting comments and attack the poster, lets see who they are this time, I expect the same old crowd."
    I am a member of the "same old crowd" but what does that mean" I am consistent, that's all...As for personally insulting comments, I only ever give back what I have received.

    "I wont be retaliating and I wont be on this blog much any more as it has been seized by the anti Muslim groups."

    Please explain what exactly is wrong with being anti muslim?And what do you mean by groups? AFAIK, we are only individuals. If you have any further knowledge then please share it. If you want to run away that is your decision, but we all have a right to say what we feel, no?

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