young people on newstart forced to beg

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    Young people on Newstart forced to beg and approach charities

    One in four people on the dole for more than a year have been forced to beg on the streets and six in 10 have approached a charity for help, a grim new academic study into life on unemployment benefits has found.

    The scale of deprivation for those on the Newstart allowance was so serious the researchers concluded the employment prospects of recipients had been seriously ''scarred'''.

    ''Instead of spending their energy looking for a job these people are worried all the time by the very basics of survival,'' said the lead author Dr Alan Morris from the University of Technology in Sydney.

    The survey of people receiving Newstart in Sydney's inner-west found most had gone without basics such as heating and good-quality food. About 80 per cent could not afford dental care, half could not buy new clothes and more than 40 per cent could not afford medicines.

    ''I was surprised by the level of desperation,'' Dr Morris said. ''If they don't escape quickly there is a terrible spiral of decline and a major risk of becoming permanently stuck.''

    Co-author Dr Shaun Wilson, from Macquarie University, said it was typical for longer-term recipients of Newstart to become very isolated and financially vulnerable.

    ''People don't just lose dignity and connection with the world but they start to rely on increasingly risky and haphazard strategies for survival,'' he said. The survey found 25 per cent of long-term Newstart recipients had approached people on the street for help.

    Australia's unemployment benefit is meagre compared with many similar OECD nations, especially for singles in the initial stages of unemployment.

    The Newstart payment for a single person is equivalent to just 28 per cent of the average wage compared with an OECD median of 57 per cent in the initial stage of unemployment, the study says.

    ''We're pretty much the worst of all the rich countries at supporting single unemployed people,'' Dr Wilson said.

    But tough new rules revealed in last week's federal budget will make it even more difficult for unemployed young people. From the beginning of next year, under-30s who go onto Newstart will receive no payments at all for six months of each year.

    Dr Morris said the changes threatened to undermine social cohesion and would contribute to the creation of a desperate underclass. ''I think these changes are going to unleash terrible suffering,'' he said. ''We are going to have more people begging in the streets.''

    Housing is a major stress for those on Newstart and the study by Dr Morris and Dr Wilson found many recipients were living in ''inadequate and even unsafe situations'' because of a lack of affordable accommodation. About a third of respondents lived in shared housing, boarding houses or rooms in pubs. One was living in a backpacker hostel while another had no electricity, no fridge and no hot water.

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