Young terrorists, page-22

  1. 7,695 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    It gets worse : trickled out by secretive NSW Police who we know are in a state of dhimmitude - these are the Police who went into contortions to avoid saying "gas the jews" was shouted by Islamic demonstrators

    imagine who much worse it would be if all material essential to inform the public was released.
    Teens charged with terrorism and extremism offences
    Two teenagers arrested in connection with the stabbing of a bishop allegedly had extremist videos on their phones, including instructions on making a bomb.
    Quotes copy n paste from near end of article -
    [The magistrate noted the boy’s age meant he “had a reduced capacity to consider the consequences of his behaviour” and emphasised his lack of criminal history. He granted bail with strict conditions, but the boy’s release was immediately blocked by an appeal from Mr Nelson. The 14-year-old will remain behind bars on remand until the appeal is heard at a later date. The 17-year-old boy charged with the same offence will also remain in custody on remand after Magistrate Mulroney refused his bail application, citing the “appreciably greater seriousness” of the extremist content with which he allegedly interacted. Mr Nelson told the court the videos showed “very, very, very serious violence” depicting beheadings carried out by IS, hostages being taken and killed, and videos linked to Hamas. “There’s a video of a person in military fatigues who is providing instructions as to the making of explosive devices,” he said. The crown prosecutor argued the videos revealed the 17-year-old held an extremist ideology. However, the teenager’s lawyer Talal Krayem emphasised there was no evidence of any ties to terrorist or ideological causes and told the court his client did not speak Arabic.He said the teenager had serious health and mental health issues, which needed to be addressed in the community. Magistrate Mulroney determined he would have to be treated in custody after slamming the videos on his phone as “awful, awful, awful” and highlighting their affiliation with more than one terrorist organisation. “(The imagery) depicts extreme violence, gratuitous violence,” he said. “It also depicts methodologies for the commission of violent acts.”]
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