your legacy

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    We have plenty of advocates of zero emissions technology but I am yet to read a dissertation on how we can survive in present numbers with a "comfortable" lifestyle from any of them. I did read one chap's thoughts on life after peak oil, he spoke of a 90% die off. OK, We have dodged the "peak oil" bullet but I see no reason to step in front of another.

    Personally, I don't live an extravagant life. I am content will fewer gadgets than most seem to need but I DO want the light to come on and I DO want to use my computer to stay in touch with the world and know more about it than the ABC is willing to tell me. Nor do I want to eke out sustenance from my barren, stony block of land.

    Can Mega or Tin point me to some POSITIVE reading about living a zero CO2 life? I want to know how we will make wind turbines and mount them in this regime. They need refined metals and wind cannot supply the power to do that refining. You can't lose power to molten metal, that's a disaster.

    If zero emissions life is forced upon us, I see an outcome similar to that predicted for peak oil [Remember the 90% die off?]. It will be survival of the strong and well armed, and the best armed population on earth are the Yanks. Instead of hapless refugees in wooden boats we will have heavily armed economic refugees wanting all our land suitable for small cropping and willing to do whatever it takes.

    There must be something "happier" to read than that, surely? I can't get visions of Mad Max out of my head.

    Personally I don't really care what you decide. I've lived my life and have no grand kids. I think it is time for those who call me a vandal and say I'm selfish to explain in detail, the legacy they wish to leave.

    Be careful what you wish for.
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