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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    Well you have assumed a lot of assumptions on my part, some right some wrong.
    Ok so your not defending capitalism, fair enough, but that's exactly what we are left with if you reject the overthrow of the capitalist nation state system. In my opinion that system is heading for another 1930's style slump, trade war and WW3. Quite interesting and very telling that not yourself nor anyone here has tried to even suggest that Trump and the right wing anti immigrant parties in power in most of Europe and brexit etc are going to usher in some new economic dawn . It will just be more of the same, actually a lot worse and imposed more violently.

    "Your assumption - Australia is a pure capitalist state. I regard Medicare and public education as socialist policies. By the way I am for them. Please note Australia accepts a considerable number of genuine refugees."

    Every country in the world is capitalist, medicare, public ed, etc are simply reforms within capitalism, not socialism at all and every country has them more or less. And every government is now involved in winding them back.

    "Your assumption - the workers will unite and overthrow all world governments and erase all borders. You seem to assume that this will be done without cataclysmic wars. I personally cannot see leaders like Putin and Chairman Xi allowing this to happen without using their massive armed forces."

    It won't happen automatically, it's something which has to be fought for by a revolutionary party , it won't be pretty and it will be violent, and it will have to happen in every country. But revolutions are quite normal thats how we went from feudalism to capitalism.

    "Your assumption - home and business owners will GLADLY give up their property to create this paradise. Oh really?"

    No need to take peoples homes and small businesses, just the large corporations, banks etc. Oh and maybe the billionaires get to keep one mansion but they'll have to give up all the rest of their properties to provide housing for refugees or anyone that needs it. And if interest rates go up in the midst of a recession, wow there's going to be be a lot of working homeless people, should be quite a popular policy I would say.

    "Your assumption - that all the economic refugees will return home. Why are young Nigerian men trying to get to Europe? I'd like to live in Paris too but the winters are a bit cold."

    Are you serious ? Of course they would return home, who the hell would want to freeze their butt off in europe if they had good prospects at home ?

    "Your assumption - the Iranians or the French or the Saudis or the Israelis or the Brazilians or the Japanese etc will be thrilled to have their cultures and economies destroyed. I don't think so. And the Pope and mullahs may object too."

    What the hell do you think is going to happen to culture anywhere in the world if we have WW3 ? ? ? (inevitable under capitalism)

    Not an anarchist they are useless, I'm a socialist, therefore an internationalist, a supporter of the and yes I fiercely defend my political convictions, I take that as a complement thank you.
    Look its up to you if you want to call it quits but at least you brought up some good points and remained civil and I enjoyed responding, so keep it up if you want . Cheers .
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