The voluminous amount of vitriolic anti Liberal posting on this...

  1. 4,442 Posts.
    The voluminous amount of vitriolic anti Liberal posting on this site is sufficient reason for the introduction of two, I believe, important initiatives in this country.
    The first is voluntary voting, as in the USA.
    This would rid our country of those too intelectually handicapped (read LABOR VOTERS) to cast an informed vote.
    The second is therefore self evident.
    It's euthenasia for all those who thereafter are too disinterested or lazy to vote under a voluntary system(again, read Labor voters).
    I firmly believe that a voluntary system of voting would result in a government that the people truly deserve.
    It wouldd obviously rule out the Public Service and unions as a formenting pool of those disenchanted with living and therefore looking for a -----"cause", usually related to an anti disestablishmentarianism idealogy and those who spend too much time seeking the pleasure of the mind numbing, smoke oriented type!
    The horror of Julia Gillard taking over the reigns from KRudd is just incomprehensible. After all, it is well known around Canberra, and most other places, that they detest each other.
    Julia can't stand his schoolboy, idealistic, and naive persona, and he cannot abide her proven Communistic leanings. What a great couple in Canberra they would be! lol. cry!
    They would really make us the laughing stock of the world!
    I know we have Abbott and Costello on our country's side.

    However, they are Rhodes scholars compared with Laurel and Hardy ( KRudd and Gillard) who will no doubt have us repeating those well nkown kines:
    "This is another fine mess you've gotten us into"!!!!!!!!

    Spare us all, and, please vote for the only choice: Liberal: the safe choice!
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