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Oh Zen, what can I say in few words? let me try.But first a...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 515
    Oh Zen, what can I say in few words? let me try.
    But first a little HISTORY so u can see where im coming from.


    (1) US takes USD off the gold standard in 1971 so they can print money as they like. Grand conspiracy begins but its roots go back to the Old Book.

    (2) DJIA bull market starts in 1980 from a DJIA base sub 800.

    (3) NKY and Japan collapses in debt black hole mega-deflation post 1991 crash and threatens to plunge the globe into major DEFLATIONERY depression.
    This should have come around 1993 IMO and allowed to run its natural course ..... it have been relatively painless cf whats coming now instead.

    (4) US presses the warp-speed button on their printing presses coincident with a global smoke and mirrors act on why the USD is the safest haven for any residual
    liquidity from Japan's cashout. 1991 Irak Mark 1 demonstrates the military capability to endorse this view.

    (5) Instead of global recession circa 1993 when DJIA bull was Fibo 13 years of age and sitting at circa 3300-3600 level, 4 times higher than start of its ascendency, massive liquidity expansion etc soaks up residual Jap liquidity and others follow suit, fuelling the major breakout into hyperspace of DJIA thru 3600 pivot level and culminating in the Dionyssian for another Fibo 8
    years to the 2000-2001 D/T - highs circa 11600.

    (6) Game moves to sabotaging the baby EURO with a "Balkans War" in 99 adds the final push of US markets to hyperspace in Y2K ........EVERYONE wanted USD so they bought everything in the US and the USFed continued to accommodate with monopoly money supply expansion at around 30% pa.

    (7) During the last phases of the US bull, gold was debased to "worthless relic" status and "agents" assigned to keep it under stranglehold thru
    derivatives market about 10 times the size of physical .... they kept shorting it with monopoly money supplied from uncle as required

    (8) All of above made the US the #1 debtor nation using the globe's liquidity to finance its expansion, with full knowledge that at any time all they had to do was begin devaluation of the currency (print more) to
    devalue the foreign debt whilst holding all the forex. Reckon the L/T strategy for this originated with the 1971 removal of the gold standard.

    (9) However the beast developed a mind of its own and greed set in coupled with a new generation of yuppies handling the world's money and who hadnt
    ever experienced a major bear market thinking that their (false) compass (unlike our goodship Compass:) only always pointed north ....... A series of new and more complex and interlinked derivatives markets evolved creating a total VIRTUAL market LARGER than the REALITY one and fuelled by electronic credits / fiat paper with NO HISTORICAL backing (like GOLD previously) apart from a promise of some intrinsic value givenby the printers toting new words of mass deception with guns primed offering deals u cant refuse.

    Thats the basic evolution ..... con the world that the US is the only place to invest in ...... suck in forex liquidity thru smoke and mirrors for ransom......print as much paper IOUs as u need in exchange with full
    knowledge that all u have to do later is devalue the debt by printing more paper ........... and so much more.

    BUT they insulted Nature and the Twelve Olympians with their arrogance and falsehood and making the unforgiveable mistake of believing their own words !!!

    Control was lost and the bubbles began burrsting boom based on hot air; USDX as the reality of the megacon emerged; DJIA and friends as the control was lost and the greed turned to fraud and lies at all levels ..........with the "worst" yet to come.

    The USD is so intermeshed with all other paper and virtual instruments / derivatives etc that the whole world is now at risk of financial meltdown ,
    waiting for the first rat to make the first move which knocks over the dominoes.

    DJIA is now less relevant than SPX cos they just keep changing the components to suit the window dress. The beast has become too big to control and is on the verge of cutting loose. Check out Puplava's Perfect
    Storm series in for details of how these things have evolved and how they threaten to torpedo the system from any one of many
    independent directions .... "rogue events".

    So whats ahead? ..... In my opinion of course. And my opinion first came as Delphic clarity thru the cosmic smoke circa April 2000 when the NDX failed
    to hold the 4200 support level signalling confirmation of the mega-reversal ..... some 8 years realistically too late tho IMO... the DJIA etc completed its
    double top in 2001 and started its "A" wave down to its Oct 12 02 low.

    We now have

    (1) The world flooded with intrinsically worthless IOUs called USD whilst the US continues to vacuum in forex albeit at a declining rate;

    (2) A 2 bill USD / day need of foreign funds influx to continue funding the US deficits and keep the USD from collapsing to nothing and taking the foreigners reserves holdings down with it....hence they continue feeding it
    ...they have to;

    (3) A complex derivatives mess which no-one really knows how to untangle nor what would happen or how to cope WHEN some event finally pulls the plug
    .....everything dissolves and disappears into electronic space .... and it only needs the first domino to fall .....

    ...THATS why the relatively miniscule GOLD derivatives market (albeit 10 times larger than actaul physical markets) is so important to keep under check, cos any uncontrolled breakout from its capping can bring the whole virtual system down ..... And it is estimated the total DERIVATIVES market size is around 90 trillion bucks atm ..... I dont think anyone really knows any more;

    (4) The whole middle class of the western world conned into participating in this paper and "e" virtual madness of liquidity since its 1993 beginnings now totally hocked to the hilt per ballooning mortgage debt assuming their property values are gonna keep going up forever and with no savings to fall back on in case it dont ......... the fall in US Fed rates to
    historical lowest from DJIA "A" wave lows was another move to pump liquidity to keep the system afloat after equity market crash threatened to pull the
    system plug ........extreme measures for extreme dangers.......cover yr debts by taking more cheap debt for now ...... compounding further the "extremity".

    (5) USD in downtrend and hence COMMODITIES in uptrend ...they can print all the paper they like but commodities / resources are finite ......why should OPEC give up its precious stuff for worthless paper ..... they gotta keep adjusting the price to keep pace with the increasing worthlessness of this paper ........ same will apply for all commodities as the proverbial hits the fan .... look at metals prices over last coupla years;

    (6) The yanks using their military might to enforce foreign and economic policy ... extreme conditions require extreme measures and intense smoke and
    mirrors .... enter Irak 2 at Fib 13 years after Irak 1 ...... wonder if anyone has studied the Fibonacci relevance to timing of global conflicts (?) .... check out the cosmics too :)

    (7) China licking its lips picking up assets in exchange for the worthless bits of US paper it increasingly holds from riding the USD to ensure ongoing increase in global market share...already on a global resources
    shopping spree ....holding its currency like a millstone around the USD neck to maintain this advantage ........ exporting deflation to the world keeping prices low and shutting down the competition.

    (8) Muslim world thinking Christians are disciples of the underworld .... and we sure have given them cause to think this way ........ what ever happened to "truth, justice" and superman looking after the meek? least the good US public is starting to believe they have been conned and starting to demand answers .... whilst we are too busy worrying about the footy to bother;

    (9) Global property bubbles in hyper mode fuelled by irresponsibly low interest rates' deathwish, with plebs over-extended and now facing increasing rates. Bubble ready to burst.

    (10) Emerging evidence of US pension fund deficiencies making the good people increasingly aware of the fraud, lies, incompetency, smoke and mirrors extending to and threatening their own future economic wellbeing.
    Wonder if we r gonna start seeing such here as well.

    (11) An increasing number of born agains holding the reins of power and the trigger on the big guns believeing not only that Armageddon is coming but anxious to do the right thing and urge it along!!! Its these guys who actually vote cos their preachers tell them to how and when .... most others dont care. Its these same non-Olympians tho who acquit their preacher of 36 counts of alleged fraud causing billions of bucks of innocents' savings being wiped ......... he had his "faith in JC" for Zeus' sakes !!!

    Ahhhh where are the days of Olympian glory. No hang-ups. Battles for glory in the name of Aries with pauses for games of glory in the name of all Olympians. Celebrations in Dionyssos' name with mandatory attention to Aphrodites willing maidens. Sailing the Med in rowboats challenging the Fates. Honour, truth, justice, humility ..... LIVING and FEASTING on the wonders of Nature whilst bowing in humility to her Omnipotence ! Instead we disgrace and insult her and tempt her merciless wrath which is about to be unleashed.

    Thats the background Zen ........... I am disgusted with it all, so will go to the gym to cleanse my mood.

    Next chapter will explain why our good ship Compass, true to Olympian ideals, is indeed our sturdy ARK, ship-shape and seaworthy to protect Olympians from the impending perfect storms about to be unleashed by Mother Nature preparing to cleanse the crimes and humiliations being committed against her.

    These are MY ramblings of course and may not be yours.

    I need a drink of ambrosia and a puff of cosmic smoke.
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